Datenbestand vom 06. März 2025

Impressum Warenkorb Datenschutzhinweis Dissertationsdruck Dissertationsverlag Institutsreihen     Preisrechner

aktualisiert am 06. März 2025

ISBN 9783843926737

72,00 € inkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versand

978-3-8439-2673-7, Reihe Raumfahrt

Rouven Witt
Failure Detection, Isolation and Recovery capabilities for the university small satellite Flying Laptop

221 Seiten, Dissertation Universität Stuttgart (2015), Softcover, A5

Zusammenfassung / Abstract

In this work, the author explains how Failure Detection, Isolation and Recovery (FDIR) capabilities are realized for the university small satellite Flying Laptop developed at the University of Stuttgart, Germany. Challenges and restrictions are introduced and taken into account to establish FDIR for a single failure-tolerant satellite that shall perform multi-angular Earth observation and serve as a hands-on education platform for current and future space system students.