Datenbestand vom 19. Februar 2025
Verlag Dr. Hut GmbH Sternstr. 18 80538 München Tel: 0175 / 9263392 Mo - Fr, 9 - 12 Uhr
aktualisiert am 19. Februar 2025
Philipp WellingerAnalyse der Vorhersagegenauigkeit von Turbulenzmodellen am Beispiel der Kühlung von Gasturbinenschaufeln
Marius Franz ForsterExperimental and Numerical Investigation of Impingement Cooling on Concave Leading Edges of Gas Turbine Blades
Patrick FoltynDroplet collisions with dry solid surfaces with variable wettability and topography
Judith RichterEin Beitrag zum Verständnis transsonischer, beschleunigter Strömungen im Nachlauf zweier Zentralinjektoren
Jonathan ReutzschDirect Numerical Simulations of Phase Change Processes Using a Volume-of-Fluid Approach
Thomas WimmerDesign and Evaluation of Additively Manufactured Gas Turbine Ring Segments with In-Wall Cooling Schemes
Martina BaggioVolume of Fluid Numerical Simulation of Drop Impact on Superhydrophobic Complex Solid Surfaces Embedded in a Staggered Cartesian Grid
Anika SteurerApplication of the Transient Heat Transfer Measurement Technique Using Thermochromic Liquid Crystals in Networks of Intersecting Circular Passages
Moritz ErtlDirect Numerical Investigations of Non-Newtonian Drop Oscillations and Jet Breakup
Pavel NovotnyStability of Swirl Tube Flow
Steffen BaabQuantitative Diagnostics and Thermodynamic Modelling of Fluid Jets with Reservoir States at Supercritical Pressure
Thomas PetzkeMultidisziplinäre Kopplung von Sekundärluft-, Thermal- und mechanischem System zur Untersuchung von Triebwerkskomponenten bei stationären und transi…
Robin G. BrakmannIncreasing Heat Transfer in Convective Cooling Systems with Optimized Surface Structures
Kathrin SchulteModelling of the Initial Ice Growth in a Supercooled Liquid Droplet
Kristian HaaseExperimental investigation of the Ice Formation Method applied to the endwall of a turbine stator vane row
Woradej ManosroiSingle Droplet Evaporation Characteristics and Behaviors at Higher Ambient Temperatures
Anja WohlerMischungsuntersuchungen in einer beschleunigten kompressiblen Düsenströmung unter Verwendung verschiedener Injektorgeometrien
Philipp RauschenbergerEin Verfahren für die direkte numerische Simulation des Gefriervorgangs von unterkühltem Wasser
Bernhard KobielaWärmeübertragung in einer Zyklonkühlkammer einer Gasturbinenschaufel
Annika HellValidierung der Lasermesstechnik Laser-induzierte Thermische Akustik für die Anwendung in turbulenten, chemisch reagierenden Überschallfreistrahlen
Ingo StotzShock Tube Study on the Disintegration of Fuel Jets at Elevated Pressures and Temperatures
Wolfgang SanderDirekte Numerische Simulation von Zerfallsvorgängen in Zweiphasenströmungen im Bereich von Verbrennungsmotoren
Sebastian ZehnerExperimentelle Untersuchungen von Turbomaschinenkomponenten mit der Eisformationsmethode
Yunfei XingExperimental investigation of impingement heat transfer characteristics on flat and roughened plates with different crossflow schemes
Alexander O. SchwientekA Contribution to Modeling of Flow and Heat Transfer in Rotor-Stator Cavities for Secondary Air System Network Analysis
Jaechul ChunExperimental Investigations of Injection, Mixing, and Reaction Processes in Supersonic Flow Applications
Yanchao LiuNumerical investigation on high velocity liquid dynamics
Tobias KrilleExperimental Investigation of Heat Transfer in Additively Manufactured Internal Cooling Configurations
Christoph SteinhausenInvestigation of macroscopic nearcritical fluid phenomena by applying laser-induced thermal acoustics
Daniel ProkeinNumerical and Experimental Investigations on Transpiration Cooling
Julia SchweikertModellierung des Wärmeübergangs komplexer Prallstrahlfelder an Turbinengehäusen
Christian WaidmannHeat Transfer Measurements in Rotating Turbine Blade Cooling Channel Configurations using the Transient Thermochromic Liquid Crystal Technique
Michael GöhringNumerical Investigation of Internal Two-Pass Gas Turbine Cooling Channels Under the Influence of Rotation
Stefan BrackTime-resolved Transient Convective and Conjugate Heat Transfer Experiments Using IR Thermography
Florian WeckenmannExperimental Investigation of Isolated Fluid Particles under Extreme Conditions
Johannes UnrathUntersuchungen zur Wärmeübertragung in Common Rail Höchstdruckinjektoren unter stationären und transienten dieselmotorischen Randbedingungen
Anuradha Ashok BhatiaMoisture Sorption in Porous Media: Experimental and Numerical Enquiries Applicable to the Automotive Passenger Compartment
Meriam AxtmannInvestigations on Heat Transfer and Pressure Loss in Staggered Pin Fin Cooling Arrays
Christoph HuberNeuartige Methode zur Bewertung des Schneeeintrags im Rohluftansaugsystem eines Automobils
Christoph BieggerFlow and Heat Transfer Investigations in Swirl Tubes for Gas Turbine Blade Cooling
Nils DröskeInvestigation of Thermal Loads onto a Cooled Strut Injector inside a Scramjet Combustion Chamber
Christian EggerWärmeübergangsuntersuchungen von innen gekühlten Gasturbinenschaufeln unter Verwendung transienter Verfahren
Hassan GomaaModeling of Liquid Dynamics in Spray Laden Compressor Flows
Chengxiang ZhuNumerical Investigation on the Instability and the Primary Breakup of Inelastic Non-Newtonian Liquid Jets
Simon SchürenNumerische Untersuchung einer anwendungsnahen schrägen Prallkühlungskonfiguration in einer thermisch hochbelasteten Gasturbinenschaufel
Norbert DomaschkeIntegriert numerisch-experimentelle Untersuchungen zum Wärmeübergang im Vorderkanten-Kühlkanal einer Gasturbinenschaufel
Tobias LangenerA Contribution to Transpiration Cooling for Aerospace Applications Using CMC Walls
Sebastian SpringNumerical Prediction of Jet Impingement Heat Transfer
Helga SteinbrückNumerische Optimierung von Turbomaschinenkomponenten unter Verwendung der Eisformationsmethode
Eduard RosenkoAnwendung elektrostriktiver Gitter auf nichtreaktive, turbulente Hochgeschwindigkeits-Freistrahlen
Juliane UrbanNumerische Untersuchung und Modellierung von Tropfen-Wand-Interaktionen
Florian SeiboldExperimental and Numerical Investigation of the Flow and Heat Transfer in Convergent Swirl Chambers
Irina BaslerDevelopment of a Simulation Method for Calculating the Condensation of Water inside Charge Air Coolers
Eva KerberA Contribution to Second Law Analysis for Gas Turbine Processes
Alexander P. SchindlerPartitioned Modeling of Transient Conjugate Heat Transfer
Corrado SotgiuAn investigation of anisotropic RANS turbulence closures for the heat transfer prediction in ribbed cooling passages
Ronan BernardMacro and Micro Dynamics of Droplet Impact onto Wall-films made of different Liquids
Stefano RubertoExperimental Investigation of the Phase Change of Freely Suspended Supercooled Water Droplets
Martin ReitzleA Framework for the Direct Numerical Simulation of Phase Change Processes of Water at Low Temperature and Pressure
Sven SchweikertEin Beitrag zur Beschreibung der Transpirationskühlung an keramischen Verbundwerkstoffen
Anne K. GeppertExperimental Investigation of Droplet Wall-Film Interaction of Binary Systems
Christian HelcigExperimentelle Untersuchung des konvektiven Wärmeübergangs an rotierenden Scheiben
Sebastian SchulzFlow and heat transfer phenomena in a complex impingement system for integrally cooled turbine blades
Lingling ChenHeat Transfer Enhancement in Impingement Systems with Surface Enlargements
Felix Johannes FörsterLaser-Induced Thermal Acoustics: Simultaneous Velocimetry and Thermometry for the Study of Compressible Flows
Sven WinklerEndwall Contouring Using Numerical Optimization in Combination with the Ice Formation Method
Hend KamounFlash-atomization and vaporization at near vacuum conditions
Barbara MayerInvestigations of Pressure Loss and Heat Transfer in a Regular Metallic Porous Structure
Jiby Jacob VellaramkalayilExperimental and Numerical Investigations of Different Injection Schemes in a Supersonic Combustion Chamber
Fahmi Ben AhmedUntersuchung von Active Clearance Control (ACC) Systemen zur Kühlung von Niederdruckturbinengehäusen
Sébastien KunstmannA Contribution to Gas Turbine Combustor Cooling Using Complex Configurations
Florian HöflerExperimental Investigations of Wall Integrated Impingement Cooling Configurations for Thermally Highly Loaded Gas Turbine Blades
Tobias ScheuermannUntersuchungen zur Verbrennung in einer SCRamjet-Brennkammer
Rico PoserTransient Heat Transfer Experiments in Complex Geometries Using Liquid Crystal Thermography
Jan SchlottkeDirekte Numerische Simulation von Mehrphasenströmungen mit Phasenübergang
Detlef PapeExperimentelle Untersuchung der Strömung und der Wärmeübertragung in 180°-Umlenkungen