Datenbestand vom 24. März 2025
Verlag Dr. Hut GmbH Sternstr. 18 80538 München Tel: 0175 / 9263392 Mo - Fr, 9 - 12 Uhr
aktualisiert am 24. März 2025
Thomas SchubertTechnical extraction of beta- , alphaS- and kappa-casein from bovine milk
Marina RiglingNatural Aromatization of Green Tea Infusion by Fermentation with Edible Basidiomycetes – Flavor Tuning towards Hedonic Western Flavors
Jakob Alfons FröhlichPrinciples of nozzle zone agglomeration in spray drying: particle-droplet coalescence and particle-particle aggregation
Christine BorsumDifferences in dynamic aroma release from unfoamed and foamed dairy matrices – experimental setup, physical and chemical mechanisms
Christian KleemannAerogels as a carrier system for sensitive substances – Protein based microcapsules with extreme inner adsorptive surfaces
Adrian KörzendörferVibrations and ultrasound in fermented milk processing – Adverse effects on yogurt structure, mechanisms, and beneficial applications
Carolin WedelThermophilic spore formers: Impact on dairy powder production, contamination pathways and potential of reduction
Christian M. SchmidtDownstream processing of enzymatically generated lactulose via nanofiltration to produce a prebiotic whey drink for elderly people - Quantification,…
Johannes SchäferFresh cheese made from concentrated milk: Tailoring the calcium content of milk retentates by means of microfiltration to modulate the bitter taste
Anja EggertFast laboratory micro-CT of food foams - Principle, experimental setup for foam characterization and stability
Marina StoeckelShelf-stable milk products: Impact of bacterial spores, peptidases from Pseudomonas, and plasmin
José Toro SierraOn the separation, thermal and shear induced modification, and study of the functional properties of the major whey protein fractions
Janina BrandModification of the Structural Properties of Egg White by Mechanical Methods prior to Membrane Based Ion Exchange Chromatographic Fractionation of E…
Thomas StrixnerFraktionierung und Ausnutzung des technologisch-funktionellen Potentials der Eigelbhauptfraktionen Granula und Plasma
Iris Schmitz-SchugImproving the nutritional quality of dairy powders Analyzing and modeling lysine loss during spray drying as influenced by drying kinetics, thermal …
Mathias AschenbrennerThe relevance of glassy state dynamics on structure formation and stabilization of bacteria during freeze-drying and subsequent storage
Katherina PrußInaktivierung von Mikroorganismen auf Packstoffoberflächen mit gasförmigem und kondensierendem Wasserstoffperoxid
Sebastian KaraschHomogenisierung von Milch-Emulsionen Dispergieren mit Lochblenden - Einflussfaktoren & Auswirkungen - Aggregationsverhalten der Milchfettkugeln
Veronika KaufmannEinflussfaktoren auf die Produktcharakteristika von Extended Shelf Life (ESL)-Milch
Antonie E. PostFractionation of bovine casein and enrichment of functional casein peptides
Katharina DaimerBehandlung von Eigelb und dessen Fraktionen mit Phospholipase A₂ – Veränderung der physikalisch-chemischen Eigenschaften und der Funktionalität in E…
Konrad WeidendorferDie Gelsuspension Rührjoghurt Mechanisch-dynamische Eigenschaften, Inline-Partikelgrößenmessung und Apparate zum Glätten der Textur
Christina SchubertTechnological strategies to eliminate or protect bacteriophages in food – Application of UV-C irradiation and encapsulation
Max BlankartUnderstanding the effect of the technical emulsifiers E 471 in aerosol whipping cream - Analysis, application, and emulsion and foam mechanisms
Britta GrafMicrowave technology for heating liquid and concentrated milk products in technical scale
Simon SchifferMilk protein fractionation by microfiltration at low temperatures
Martin HartingerMilk protein fractionation by spiral-wound membranes - Optimization of process and module design
Mine Ozcelik KocakMicrowave-assisted freeze drying of foamed fruit pulps
Sabine AmbrosMicrowave-assisted drying of lactic acid-producing bacteria
Lutz GroßmannTechnofunctionality of Extracted Proteins from Microalgae for Food Applications
Kristin ProtteWhey protein-pectin complexes as new fat-replacers: process design, structure analysis and application for fat-reduced food systems
Balz BählerPlasticization and texturization of pasta filata cheese – multiscale process analysis, thermo-rheological characterization, and new approach for con…
Jannika DombrowskiStructural characterization of milk protein-stabilized foams: A multiscale approach
Katja Isabel HartmannMethodical approach for food profiling: physical and sensory characterisation of German Emmental-type cheese and statistical data evaluation
Stefan NöbelDairy microgel suspensions: principles, phenomena and models at different structural levels
Anne Karoline KesslerPhysico-chemical characterization of novel casein-surfactant micelles
Christian HahnTextural properties of fresh cheese as affected by post-processing: particle cluster formation, characterization, and size reduction
Philipp SchenkelInnovative technologies in cheese milk pre-treatment and its impact on thermo-physical properties of semi-hard cheese
Michael BetzEncapsulation-related characterisation and applications of thermal whey protein hydrogels
Stephan RückoldWater in Biological and Environmental Reference Materials
Malgorzata JakubaschEinfluss der Protein-Protein-Wechselwirkungen zwischen Eiklar- und Molkenproteinen auf ihr Denaturierungs-, Gel- und Schaumbildungsverhalten
Alexander PiryUntersuchung zur Längenabhängigkeit der Filtrationsleistung bei der Fraktionierung von Milchproteinen mittels Mikrofiltration
Markus KreußIon-exchange fractionation and structure-function relationship of caseinomacropeptide as a function of glycosylation.
Daniel TritschlerFormation of micro- and macrobubbles in dairy matrices – Textural effects and application as fat replacer
Patrick WilmsFlow of highly concentrated suspensions with a non-Newtonian matrix: Measurements and modelling for die extrusion applications
Anisa HeckUnderstanding protein-based soft particles: Textural modification of fat-free fermented concentrated milk protein-based microgel dispersions
Ann-Kathrin NedeleFermentation of soy drink with Lycoperdon pyriforme and Agrocybe aegerita to tailor the flavor properties of dairy substitute products - Sensory ass…
Elena LeebWays for a targeted enzymatic hydrolysis of β-lactoglobulin - Control of reaction kinetics and peptide fractionation
Christian KernWaterless extrusion: Forced fusion of casein-based gel granulates into homogeneous and anisotropic, semi-solid structures
Melanie MarxReaction kinetics of heat induced protein denaturation and microbial inactivation in whey concentrates
Hans-Jürgen HeidebrechtFrom food to medicine: Process development and use of functionalized polyclonal antibodies from cow's milk for the treatment of infections caused by…
Rebecca WürthDevelopment and characterization of a spray drying microencapsulation process for probiotics in a cold-renneted skim-milk matrix
Patricia MeyerConcentration of Dairy Fluids - An Investigation on Membrane Cascades Comprised of Ultrafiltration in Series with Nanofiltration or Reverse Osmosis …
Meike SamtlebeLactic acid bacteriophages: Control in whey processing by membrane separation and perspectives on modulation of the microbiota
Wolfgang HolzmüllerInvestigations on the isolation of milk fat globule membrane proteins from cream and buttermilk
Tim SteinhauerOn the Micro- and Ultrafiltration of Dairy Fluids - Molecular Mechanisms of Membrane Fouling and Elucidation of Deposit Layer Structures
Alina SonneMicro- and macro-structural matrix properties as modulator for creamy perception in yogurt systems
Aline HolderCross-Flow Electro Membrane Filtration for the Fractionation of Dairy-Based Functional Peptides
Christopher GuyotTransglutaminase-induzierte und Transglutaminase-unterstützte Gele aus Milchproteinen
Andrej HeiligThe interaction of aroma compounds and dairy constituents: influence of composition and processing on aroma retention and transport in liquid to sem…
Nadja SiegertStabilität von bioaktiven Glykoverbindungen in Milch bei verschiedenen Milchverarbeitungsprozessen
Martin HeinrichUntersuchungen zum hochdruckausgelösten Zerfall der Caseinmizelle
Michaela TilgnerThermische Reaktion von Eiklarproteinen: Denaturierungskinetik und Verschäumungsverhalten
Chalat SantivarangknaInactivation of Lactobacillus helveticus during Vacuum Drying and the Mechanism of Sorbitol in Protection of the Cells