Datenbestand vom 24. März 2025
Verlag Dr. Hut GmbH Sternstr. 18 80538 München Tel: 0175 / 9263392 Mo - Fr, 9 - 12 Uhr
aktualisiert am 24. März 2025
Adina AniculăeseiEngineering of Safety in Automated Safety-Critical Systems through Design-time Verification and Runtime Validation of Environment Assumptions
Sebastian SeidelAbleitung äquivalenter symbolbasierter Entscheidungsmodelle aus gegebenen neuronalen Feedforward-Netzen
Nils BöcherEntwurf eines Instanz-orientierten Modelles zur integeren Berücksichtigung von Softwareupdates im automotiven Kontext
Gaston PuglieseThe Stateless Enemy of Online Privacy
Amin SoltaniehCompositional Stochastic Process Algebra Models: A Focus on Model Repair and Rate Lifting
Meng ZhangA Generic Architecture Style for Self-Adaptive Cyber-Physical Systems
Philipp Johannes SamfaßReactive Load Balancing and Resilience Techniques in Simulation Applications on Supercomputers
Tobias GrollA Hierarchical Approach for Autonomous Planning and Execution of Excavation Tasks
Steffen VaasAnwendungsspezifische Mehrkernarchitekturen für sicherheitskritische Echtzeitanwendungen
Jonathan Ah SueSupervised Learning Grant Prediction for Cellular Mobile Device Power Savings
Alexander SchlieExtractive Product Line Migration for MATLAB/Simulink Software Systems
Matthias MaiterthA Reference Model for Integrated Energy and Power Management of HPC Systems
Johannes WillkommThe reverse mode of automatic differentiation applied to the MATLAB language - advanced methods for adjoint code generation
Peter EngelEntwurf einer modellprädiktiven Regelung zur Klimatisierung batterieelektrischer Fahrzeuge durch Verfahren des maschinellen Lernens
Matthias InnmannPractical 3D Reconstruction of Non-Rigid Objects and Surface Reflectance
Sandra SchröderOntology-Based Architecture Enforcement: Defining and Enforcing Software Architecture as a Concept Language using Ontologies and a Controlled Natura…
Jörg FickenscherPerformance Modeling and Parallelization of Environment Perception and Path Planning Algorithms for Heterogeneous Advanced Driver Assistance System …
Christian BailerNew Data Based Matching Strategies for Visual Motion Estimation
Jens HeuschkelNetwork Protocol Virtualization - Software-defined End-to-end Networking
Maximilian EngelsbergerDynamisches Management serviceorientierter Ressourcen in cyber-physischen Produktionssystemen mittels multipler Evaluationskriterien und Ressourceno…
Mathias WeberAccess Control for Weakly Consistent Replicated Information Systems
Thorsten RopertzDesign and Analysis of Behavior-Based Systems using Formal Techniques
Malte BrunnliebSource Code Transformation based on Architecture Implementation Patterns
Erik EinhornVisuelle Umgebungswahrnehmung und Kartierung zur Navigation mobiler Serviceroboter in realen Einsatzumgebungen
Pierre SchnarzSecurity Patterns for AMP-based Embedded Systems
Daniel SchmandStrategic Decisions and Uncertainties
David LenzMotion Planning for Highly-Automated Vehicles under Uncertainties and Interactions with Human Drivers
Thomas WenzelAdditional Traffic Sign Detection and Content Recognition
Goran HuskićControl of Outdoor Robots at Higher Speeds on Challenging Terrain
Alexander ApkeOn representing graphs with unit intervals
Fabian FranzelinData-Driven Uncertainty Quantification for Large-Scale Simulations
Eduard ZellThe Secret of Appeal - Understanding Perception of Realistic and Stylized Faces
Gregor ZolynskiCognitive Maps for Autonomous Machines in Construction and Civil Engineering
Martin ManderscheidPerformance-Verifikation von Netzwerkarchitekturen eingebetteter Systeme unter Berücksichtigung von Laufzeitvariabilität
Alexander DörrIn Silico Approaches for Polypharmacological Drug Design
Frerk Müller-VonaschwegeKonzept eines modellgestützten telemedizinisch-supervidierten Trainings am Beispiel von KHK-Patienten
Regina DegenhardtAdvanced Lattice Boltzmann Models for the Simulation of Additive Manufacturing Processes
Luzie SchreiterIntraoperative Phasenerkennung zur Integration von Assistenzsystemen in den chirurgischen Arbeitsablauf
Matthias WichtlhuberOn Collaborative Mechanisms for Content Distribution
Wei HongMulti-Level Power Optimization in Automotive E/E Architectures
Hauke BallerMultikriterielle Minimierung und Priorisierung von Test-Suiten für Software-Produktlinien
Kai SelgradEfficient Visibility Queries and Metalinguistic Abstractions for Graphics Algorithms
Thomas PfisterRobust Localization for Mobile Robots in Forest Environments
Ralph GerbigDeep, Seamless, Multi-format, Multi-notation Definition and Use of Domain-specific Languages
Markus WeberAutomatic Detection of Modes in Human Computer Interaction
Alexander FreytagLifelong Learning for Visual Recognition Systems
Elisabeth StühlerRefining and Developing Features Describing Dementia-related Changes in Structural and Functional Imaging
Christian SchulzeRetrieval and Classification of Visual Information -- Supporting Law Enforcement Investigations of Child Sexual Abuse
Julius RückertLarge-scale Live Video Streaming over the Internet - Efficient and Flexible Content Delivery Using Network and Application-Layer Mechanisms
Paul BaumannHuman Mobility and Application Usage Prediction Algorithms for Mobile Devices
Jan HergenhanEin haptisches Display zur Simulation der Weichgewebepalpation
Jelena FrtunikjSafety Framework and Platform for Functions of Future Automotive E/E Systems
Florian MittagDisease risk prediction in genome-wide association studies
Stefan KöhlerReichweitenoptimierende Fahr- und Betriebsstrategien für Elektrofahrzeuge
Pol SchumacherWorkflow Extraction from Textual Process Descriptions
Johannes Daniel KöhlerEnhanced Usability and Applicability for Simultaneous Geometry and Reflectance Acquisition
Holger SiegelNumeric Inference of Heap Shapes for the Automated Analysis of Heap-Allocating Programs
Gerd KainzTool Support for Integrated Development of Component-Based Embedded Systems
Sebastian GrafDesign and Optimization of Multi-Variant Automotive E/E Architecture Component Platforms
Marco KörnerMethods for Model-based and Model-free Recognition of Articulated Actions in Multi-View Environments
Hao WangModeling and Performance Analysis of Networks with Flow Transformations
Christopher ArmbrustDesign and Verification of Behaviour-Based Systems Realising Task Sequences
Denise Miriam DudekLightweight Anomaly Detection for Wireless Sensor Networks
Seyed Ali AmirshahiAesthetic Quality Assessment of Paintings
Michael ZollhöferReal-Time Reconstruction of Static and Dynamic Scenes
Gerrit BuseExploiting Many-Core Architectures for Dimensionally Adaptive Sparse Grids
Christian StraubeA Process Model for the Integrated Reasoning about Quantitative IT Infrastructure Attributes
Vera Sharon WeilOn cliques, colorings, and the maximum degree in graphs
Ely de OliveiraA Measurement-based Process for Assessing Grid Infrastructures
Atanas AtanasovSoftware Idioms for Component-based and Topology-aware Simulation Assembly and Data Exchange in High Performance Computing and Visualisation Environ…
Christoph BlumeGraph Automata and Their Application to the Verification of Dynamic Systems
Christian DahmenRobust Object Tracking for Micro- and Nanorobotics
Nils PetersenAcquiring and transferring workflow knowledge using Augmented Reality
Dominique ZiegelmayerCharacter n-gram-based sentiment analysis
Sabrina ZiebarthText Mining und semantische Repräsentationen als Hilfsmittel des Kompetenzmanagements in der IT-Branche
Finja WrzodekPathway-based analysis and modeling for the investigation of genetic disorders
Denis MartinNENA - Ein Rahmenwerk für maßgeschneiderte Kommunikationsnetze
Stefan KielUniVerMeC – A Framework for Development, Assessment and Interoperable Use of Verified Techniques
Thomas MüllerTechniques for adapting Industrial Simulation Software for Power Devices and Networks to Multi- and Many-Core Architectures
Robert ZeranskiSatisfiability Characterizations of Upward Planarity Problems
Florian GeyerInteractive Spaces for Supporting Embodied Collaborative Design Practices
Patrick MichelA Formal Framework for Maintaining the Integrity of Structured Data
Ralf BiedertGaze-Based Human-Text Interaction / Text 2.0
Jörg EdelmannAdvanced Direct Manipulation Techniques for Interactive Displays
Björn FröhlichSemantic Segmentation with Efficient Tree-Based Methods
Esther-Sabrina WackerAutomatic Visual Rope Inspection
Michael KemmlerMachine Learning Methods for the Automatic Identification of Microorganisms from Raman Spectroscopic Data
Gökhan TabanogluZeitgesteuertes Frame-Switching zur effizienteren Nutzung von Slots in FlexRay-Clustern
Gabor RebnerIntervallbasierte Berechnungsverfahren zur Beschreibung von wahrscheinlichkeitstheoretischen Modellen mit Unsicherheit
Dieter SchullerQoS-aware Service Selection – Optimization Mechanisms and Decision Support for Complex Service-based Workflows
Malte LochauModel-Based Conformance Testing of Software Product Lines
Markus BeckOptimization of Shallow Geothermal Heating Plants
Matthias NießnerRendering Subdivision Surfaces using Hardware Tessellation
Björn StelteVertrauenswürdigkeit von Sensordaten in sicherheitskritischen drahtlosen Sensornetzen
Sascha RiexingerBlockbildung bei evolutionären Algorithmen
Ulrich LampeMonetary Efficiency in Infrastructure Clouds – Solution Strategies for Workload Distribution and Auction-based Capacity Allocation
Richard MembarthCode Generation for GPU Accelerators from a Domain-Specific Language for Medical Imaging
Matthias NiederhausenMethoden zur aspektorientierten Entwicklung adaptiver Webanwendungen
Marc ZellerSelbst-Adaptivität in vernetzten eingebetteten Systemen unter Berücksichtigung nicht-funktionaler Anforderungen
Josef AngermeierConcepts and Algorithms to Increase the Efficiency and Reliability of Reconfigurable Computers
Holger FrankenMachine Learning and Computational Mass Spectrometry for the Discovery of Metabolite Biomarkers Involved in Type 2 Diabetes
Christoph NeumannDistributed Case Handling
Michael DeynetKontextsensitiv lernende Sequenzvorhersage zur erfahrungsbasierten Unterstützung bei der Softwareprozessausführung
Sven EisenhardtVorausschauende Rekonfiguration dynamisch rekonfigurierbarer Prozessoren in einem System on Chip
Sebastian BlankA Biological Inspired Approach for Sensor Data Management in Modular Agricultural Machines
Daniela WeinbergDeciding Service Substitution - Termination guaranteed
Christian FeichtingerDesign and Performance Evaluation of a Software Framework for Multi-Physics Simulations on Heterogeneous Supercomputers
Mehwish SaleemiCoding Theory via Groebner Bases
Anne-Kathrin BraunOptimizing the user experience of mobile Augmented Reality applications
Yi OuCaching for flash-based databases and flash-based caching for databases
Rainer LüdeckeInfinite-Valued Least Model and Game Semantics for Formula-Based and Normal Logic Programs
Elmar MairEfficient and Robust Pose Estimation Based on Inertial and Visual Sensing
Andreas NauerzAdapting and Recommending Content and Expertise in Highly Collaborative Web Portals
Torsten HoppMultimodal Registration of X-Ray Mammograms with 3D Volume Datasets
Tim WortmannAutomatic Image Analysis in Micro- and Nanorobotic Environments
Benjamin WeyersReconfiguration of User Interface Models for Monitoring and Control of Human-Computer Systems
Marc SchlimbachKonzeptionierung und Realisierung eines modularen Softwareframeworks zur interaktiven Planung und Durchführung computerassistierter chirurgischer Ei…
Marcel BrücknerActive Self-Calibration of Multi-Sensor Systems
Simon PabstAdvances in Physically Based Deformable Object Simulation
Tobias BöhlerDeformable Image Registration Methods for Clinical Applications of Magnetic Resonance Mammography
Timo SchairerIntegrating Sensing, Localization and Visualization in the Robot Control Loop
Christoph RingelsteinData Provenance and Destiny in Distributed Environments
Stefan HerrmannDirekte und proportionale Ansteuerung einzelner Finger von Handprothesen
Oliver Christian FortmeierParallel Re-Initialization of Level Set Functions and Load Balancing for Two-Phase Flow Simulations
Oliver SchaudtThe Structure of Dominating Subgraphs
Bernhard MillaMonte Carlo Complexity of Initial Value Problems and Indefinite Integration
Bernhard JäckschA Plan For OLAP: Optimization Of Financial Planning Queries In Data Warehouse Systems
Carsten HennegesFeature Selection and Data Mining for Proteomics and Metabolomics
Ulf Mario BlankeRecognizing Complex Human Activity Based on Activity Spotting
Ulrich ReffleAlgorithmen und Methoden zur dokumentenspezifischen Analyse historischer und OCR-erfasster Texte
Maximilian KögelOperation-based Model Evolution
Gerrit HanselmannOn the principle of heterogeneous redundancy based Bayesian approach to integrate static and dynamic fault prediction models
Tim PulsLokalisations- und Regelungsverfahren für einen 4-Rotor-Helikopter
Patricia MarcuArchitekturkonzepte für interorganisationales Fehlermanagement
Norbert SchmitzDynamic Modeling of Communication Partners for Socially Interactive Humanoid Robots
Matthias MüllerModellierung und Bewertung eingebetteter Hardware/Software-Systeme unter Berücksichtigung von Echtzeitbetriebssystemen
Christian BarteltKollaborative Modellierung im Software Engineering
Sebastian FröhlerAlgorithms for the analysis of the primary and tertiary structure of genomes.
Michael GlaßDependability-Aware System-Level Design for Embedded Systems
Ekaterina EltsErweiterung der Molekulardynamik um innere Freiheitsgrade: Modellierung und verteilte Simulationen auf dem Grid
Abdul RehmanProcess and Data Management Support for Scientific Applications – Theoretical and Practical Issues
Sergey GoncharovKleene monads
Ulrich SteinhoffExploring Location Technologies – Alternative Location Technologies for Mobile Users & Potential of Long Term Tracking
Christian ThielMultiple Classifier Systems Incorporating Uncertainty
Sven LachmundAuto-Generation of Least Privileges Access Control Policies for Applications Supported by User Input Recognition
Thomas SchweizerVerfahren und Schaltkreis zur Ladungswiederverwendung in Schaltungen mit mehrfacher und abschaltbarer Spannungsversorgung
Jana BlaschkeOptimierung des ASIC-Entwicklungsprozesses für heterogene Mixed-Signal Projekte unter Berücksichtigung dynamischer Effekte
Ricardo Alejandro TauroA New Approach Towards a Generic Unloading System
Nadine Shanthi PereraCLIoS: Cross-Lingual Induction of Speech Recognition Grammars for the Localization of Spoken Dialog Systems
Martin BuchholzFramework zur Parallelisierung von Molekulardynamiksimulationen in verfahrenstechnischen Anwendungen
Joost van BeusekomOptical Document Security in High Volume Office Environments
Jan Karl WarzelhanObject Recognition in Video Surveillance Camera Networks
Robert FischerMethodik für die Verlustleistungsabschätzung von Prozessoren mit Pipeline-Strukturen
Julio Alexandrino Oliveira FilhoDescription and Specialization of Coarse-grained Reconfigurable Architectures
Daniel KlinkThree-Valued Abstraction for Stochastic Systems
Thorsten SchüttRange Queries on Distributed Hash Tables
Kirsten MewesDomain-specific Modelling of Railway Control Systems with Integrated Verification and Validation
Bernd HentschelInteractive Feature Analysis in Virtual Environments
Christian SchüllerAutomatisierte Feedbackgenerierung in der benutzerzentrierten Softwareentwicklung am Beispiel mobiler Anwendungen
Elmar SchochSecure Communication in Inter-Vehicle Networks
Thomas Martin GawlitzaStrategieverbesserungsalgorithmen für exakte Programmanalysen
Stefan RiegerVerification of Pointer Programs
Dirk StaskiewiczDocument-Centred Electronic Negotiations
Tobias WeinzierlA Framework for Parallel PDE Solvers on Multiscale Adaptive Cartesian Grids
Carsten AmelunxenMetamodel-based Design Rule Checking and Enforcement
Frank A. ZdarskySelf-Coordinated Radio Resource Management for Dense and Chaotic Wireless Networks
Niklas RöberInteraction with Sound - Explorations beyond the Frontiers of 3D Virtual Auditory Environments
Irma LindtAdaptive 3D User Interfaces
Thanh-Dang DiepSupporting the Development of Nonblocking Data Structures on Distributed Memory Systems
Axel VierlingTowards Reliable Object Detection for Autonomous Off-Road & Commercial Vehicles
Minh ChungA Proactive Approach of Co-scheduling Tasks for Dynamic Load Balancing in Parallel Applications
Alexander LierOptimierung von Strahltraversierung und Geometrieapproximation für Unterteilungsflächen
Nils MäurerSecure Communications in Next Generation Digital Aeronautical Datalinks
Alexander KöpperBehavior-based Mobile Robot Control on a Hybrid CPU-FPGA Architecture – iB2C on SoPC
Patrick WolfCognitive Processing in Behavior-Based Perception of Autonomous Off-Road Vehicles
Andreas Udo SassPrädiktion einer langfristigen Fahrzeugzustandsänderung anhand virtueller datengetriebener Sensormodelle
René SchusterData-driven and Sparse-to-Dense Concepts in Scene Flow Estimation for Automotive Applications
Mehrdad BiglariNon-Volatile Processor Design for Self-Powered Embedded Systems
Stefan WittekKonsistente, Verteilungskonforme Multi-Level-Simulation auf Basis gelernter, nicht-determinierter Abstraktionsübergänge
Richard SchulzModular Computation Models for Robotic Perception and Monte Carlo Optimization
Christian Vjekoslav TunjićA Deep Orthographic Modelling Environment
Kripasindhu Sarkar3D Shape Representations for Learning
Markus MiezalModels, methods and error source investigation for real-time Kalman filter based inertial human body tracking
Dennis HospachSimulation von Umgebungsbedingungen für bildbasierte Systeme
Christian HartmannBewertung und Optimierung nichtfunktionaler Eigenschaften von Bildverarbeitungsalgorithmen auf heterogenen Rechnerarchitekturen
Tobias SchwarzerSystem-level Mapping of Dataflow Applications onto MPSoCs
Tobias KönigErweiterung und Optimierung der Funktionalität magnetostriktiver Längenmesstechnik mittels Verfahren der digitalen Signalverarbeitung
Maximilian BartaTransformation von Straßennetzgraphen mittels Data Science Methoden für multikriterielle Routenalgorithmen
Malte MauritzEngineering of Safe Autonomous Vehicles through Seamless Integration of System Development and System Operation
Johannes HofmannA First-Principles Approach to Performance, Power, and Energy Models for Contemporary Multi- and Many-Core Processors
Christiane SpislaCompaction of Orthogonal and Hierarchical Graph Drawings Using Constraint Graphs and Minimum Cost Flows
Fawsy BendeckArtificial Intelligence - Semantic Matching and Semantic Similarity Networks
Christian SchmittA Domain-Specific Language and Source-to-Source Compilation Framework for Geometric Multigrid Methods
Ahmad SaadOn Coexistence of Wireless Systems in Unlicensed Bands Using Cognitive Medium Access
Stamatia DimopoulouEnergy Management of a Hybrid Energy Storage System in a single-family House including E-Car Mobility
Lina XuAnalyzing Tumor Lesions in PET/CT Images Using Deep Learning Methods and Physiological Models
Christian SieglDynamic Multi-Projection Mapping
Oliver ReicheA Domain-Specific Language Approach for Designing and Programming Heterogeneous Image Systems
Toni BöhnleinAlgorithmic Decision-Making in Multi-Agent Systems: Votes and Prices
Sebastian BuckModeling Robotic Systems with Activity Flow Graphs
Sebastian RettenbergerScalable I/O on Modern Supercomputers for Simulations on Unstructured Meshes
Patrick HeinrichAdaptive, vernetzte, eingebettete Systeme: Modellierung des Energiebedarfs
Fabian SengerOn Equidomination in Graphs
Sebastian KüpperBehavioural Analysis of Systems with Weights and Conditions
Sebastian OtteRecurrent Neural Networks for Sequential Pattern Recognition Applications
Marco KörnerFragmentbasierte Softwarearchitekturen für Produktlinien
Oliver WasenmüllerTowards an Accurate RGB-D Benchmark, Mapping and Odometry as well as their Applications
Caetano SauerModern techniques for transaction-oriented database recovery
Simon BognerDirect Numerical Simulation of Liquid-Gas-Solid Flows Based on the Lattice Boltzmann Method
Philipp MockUsing Low-Level Sensor Data to Improve Touchscreen Interaction
Olga WengeOptimization in Inter-Cloud Markets
Benjamin FischerVerfahren zur dezentralen anwendungsspezifischen Verschaltung von Komponenten zu einer optimalen Auswahl von Applikationen
Hanno EichelbergerVerfahren zur Reproduktion, Überwachung und Analyse semantischer Softwarefehler auf eingebetteten Plattformen mit einer Portabilitätsschnittstelle
Kristof Gregor UnterwegerHigh-Performance Coupling of Dynamically Adaptive Grids and Hyperbolic Equation Systems
Daniela PöhnArchitektur und Werkzeuge für dynamisches Identitätsmanagement in Föderationen
Philip NicolaiA 3D Camera-based System Concept for Safe and Intuitive Use of a Surgical Robot System
Christoph KowitzApplying the Sparse Grid Combination Technique in Linear Gyrokinetics
Daniel SchmidtShaping the Future - A Control Architecture for Autonomous Landscaping with an Excavator
Andre SchmeißerContact Modeling Algorithms for Fiber Dynamics Simulations
Gero HerkenrathDesigning Location-Based Games
Andrea OversbergOn Square Roots of Graphs
Tobias GehrkeEntwurf richtungsselektiver Filter für die Bildkompression mittels Contourlet-Transformation
Mahesh Venkata KrishnaUnsupervised Event Detection in Video Sequences
Xiaoyan JiangMulti-Object Tracking-by-Detection Using Multi-Camera Systems
Andreas BurgerZielgerichtete Generierung valider Systemvarianten für eingeschränkte Entwurfsräume
Anatoli DjanatlievHybrid Simulation for Prospective Healthcare Decision-Support: System Dynamics, Discrete-Event and Agent-Based Simulation
Johannes EichnerMachine learning and statistical methods for preclinical omics data analysis
Rebecca TiarksHow-To Software Knowledge
Constanze DeitersBeschreibung und konsistente Komposition von Bausteinen für den Architekturentwurf von Softwaresystemen
Frank SchumacherEntwurf und Realisierung effizienter Verfahren und Hardwarearchitekturen zur Bestimmung der Korrespondenz aus Stereobildpaaren
Daniel HaaseRobust Data- and Model-Driven Anatomical Landmark Localization in Biomedical Scenarios
Jonathan HeinenVerifying Java Programs – A Graph Grammar Approach
Björn ForcherGenerierung verständlicher Erklärungen für Semantic Web Applikationen
Daniel SchallEnergy Efficiency in Database Systems
Alain PaganiReality models for efficient registration in Augmented Reality
Bernhard GatzhammerEfficient and Flexible Partitioned Simulation of Fluid-Structure Interactions
Martin D. SchwarzStatic Analysis of Embedded Software with Priority Scheduling and Interrupts
Tino FleurenWorkflow-Skelette: Konzeptionen zur Modellierung und effizienten Ausführung wissenschaftlicher Workflows
Myriam LipprandtEntwicklung eines modellgetriebenen Verfahrens zur Abbildung sensorbasierter Daten aus häuslichen Assistenzsystemen auf medizinische Befundberichte
Joachim GötzeEin Modell zur generischen Nutzungserfassung in heterogenen IT-Infrastrukturen auf der Basis serviceorientierter Designprinzipien
Michael LiebEfficient Simulation of Flows Through Complex Geometries in the PDE Framework Peano
Dirk GögerEin kapazitives Sensorsystem für Robotergreifer
Ekaterina AuerResult Verification and Uncertainty Management in Engineering Applications
Werner JanjicReuse-Based Test Recommendation in Software Engineering
Mustapha MaalejGenerieren von XML-Editoren in XForms aus XML Schema
Patrick HeckelerOptimierte Robustheitstests für zustandsbehaftete Softwarekomponenten
Pham Hai Dang LeDetection of Steganography in Images with Statistical Models
Ventsislav PetkovAutomatic Performance Engineering Workflows for High Performance Computing
Benjamin HöferlinScalable Visual Analytics for Video Surveillance
Andreas MaudererOptimierung des modellbasierten Entwurfs durch automatisierte Übergänge zwischen System- und Mixed-Signal-Entwurfsumgebung
Paulius DuplysSide Channel Evaluation Methodology for the Automotive Domain
Matthias ReifAutomatic Support for the Development of Classification Systems
Jörg NiesenhausVisuell unterstützte Entwicklung von Spielprototypen
Michael DürrSicherheit und Privatsphäre in Online Sozialen Netzwerken
Kerstin BachKnowledge Acquisition for Case-Based Reasoning Systems
Matthias KeilUltraschallbasierte Navigation für die minimalinvasive onkologische Nieren- und Leberchirurgie
Martin KnobelExperience Design in the Automotive Context
Sophie StellmachGaze-supported Multimodal Interaction
Marc Jürgen RöttigCombining Sequence and Structural Information into Predictors of Enzymatic Activity
Axel HelmerIntegration medizinischer Modelle in elektronische Gesundheitsakten
Philipp NeumannHybrid Multiscale Simulation Approaches for Micro- and Nanoflows
Daniel MünterFahrer- und situationsgerechte Navigationsunterstützung im Fahrzeug
Markus DuchonKooperative Mobilität in Megastädten
Jörg DomaschkaA Comprehensive Approach to Transparent and Flexible Replication of Java Services and Applications
Martin SpülerAssessing the Benefit of Adaptive Brain-Computer Interfacing
Holger KlusAnwendungsarchitektur-konforme Konfiguration selbstorganisierender Softwaresysteme
Stefan DöbrichPerformance Improvement of Adaptive Processors
Martin RapusComponent-based Pedestrian Recognition for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
Daniel SchmidtSafe Navigation of a Wall-Climbing Robot - Risk Assessment and Control Methods
Johannes StrassnerParametrisierbare Menschmodelle für Dialogumgebungen
Harald KleinCollaborative Processes of Enterprises: Supporting Global Development
Alexander WiethoffPrototyping Tools for Hybrid Interactions
Alexander KettlerWerkzeuge für den Entwurf und die Analyse von Algorithmen in der Kollektiven Robotik
André SeffrinA Process-Algebraic Approach to Security-Aware Scheduling of Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration on FPGA Devices
Quirin Nikolaus MeyerReal-Time Geometry Decompression on Graphics Hardware
Philipp AdlerSpekulative Optimierungen in interpretativen virtuellen Maschinen
Robert LasowskiServiceorientiertes Mehrkanal-Beaconing in Fahrzeug-Ad-hoc-Netzen
Jochen HirthTowards Socially Interactive Robots – Designing an Emotion-based Control Architecture
Matthias GruhneExtraction and Evaluation of Mid-level Features for Semantic Music Analysis
Alexander ViehlQuantitative Synchronisationsanalyse kommunizierender Prozesse zum Echtzeitnachweis verteilter eingebetteter Systeme
Henning JostReasoning on Domain Knowledge and Technical Standards to Support the Development of Safety-Critical Automotive Systems
Axel SchröpferLaufzeitmodell und Protokollsprache zur Erhöhung der Einsatzfähigkeit Sicherer Zwei-Parteien-Berechnung
Frank BauerVerfahren zur Darstellung von Constraintsystemen am Beispiel der interaktiven bildbasierten Rekonstruktion
Christopher TuotA Collaborative Knowledge Management Approach to Provide Better Agricultural Decision Support
Stefanie SchraufstetterA Pricing Framework for the Efficient Evaluation of Financial Derivatives based on Theta Calculus and Adaptive Sparse Grids
Nikolas NehmerException Handling - A Systematic Log-Based Approach
Frank BöhrModel-Based Statistical Testing of Embedded Real-Time Software with Continuous and Discrete Signals in a Concurrent Environment: The Usage Net Approach
Kerstin BauerA New Modelling Language for Cyber-physical Systems
Sebastian UllrichBimanual Interaction for Medical Virtual Environments: Palpation and Needle Intervention
Adrian SchröderInference of gene-regulatory networks in primary human hepatocytes
Sebastian StoberAdaptive Methods for User-Centered Organization of Music Collections
Benjamin HuhleAcquisition and Reconstruction of 3D Scenes with Range and Image Data
Joachim BöttgerComplex-Logarithmic Views and Map Warping
Jonas HelmingMerging Project Management with System Modeling
Daniel BurkhartSubdivision for Volumetric Finite Elements
Sascha KirstanKosten und Nutzen modellbasierter Entwicklung eingebetteter Softwaresysteme im Automobil
Sebastian HeroldArchitectural Compliance in Component-Based Systems
Daniel ZaumSystem Level Analysis of Mixed-Signal Systems using State Space Models
Andreas M. WeinerCost-Based XQuery Optimization in Native XML Database Systems
Karin EngelStructural Analysis of Patterns and Shapes using Hierarchical Vibrations
Gregor L. PardellaEfficient Polynomial-Time Algorithms for Special Graph Partitioning Problems
Birgit EngelsA Generalized Network Model for Freight Car Distribution
Christoph KniekeModellierung und Validierung von ausführbaren Anforderungsspezifikationen mit erweiterten UML Aktivitätsdiagrammen
Lothar SchmitzProgrammentwicklung mit Kontrollabstraktionen
Michael PiefelCeeJay – Ein Metamodell zur Codegenerierung
Jürgen RückertAusführbare Dialogmodelle für reichhaltige und kontextabhängige Benutzungsschnittstellen
Andreas DrägerComputational Modeling of Biochemical Networks
Michael PetterInterprocedural Polynomial Invariants
Markus KalbUnterstützung von Periodizität in Informationssystemen
Nadja BetzlerA Multivariate Complexity Analysis of Voting Problems
Edward FischerOperationalisierung des Projektcontrollings
Manuel GötzEntwicklung Domänenspezifischer Software - Dargestellt am Beispiel des Prozessmanagements
Kálmán GraffiMonitoring and Management of Peer-to-Peer Systems
Christian SeidelSystem zur dynamischen Erfassung domänenspezifischer Texteinheiten und Texte mit Hilfe von Eigenvektormethoden
Leonardo Andrade RibeiroA Framework for XML Similarity Joins
Bernhard ThomaszewskiEfficient Computational Methods for Physically-based Simulation
Isabel DietrichSyntony: A Framework for UML-Based Simulation, Analysis, and Test with Applications in Wireless Networks
Georg BuscherAttention-Based Information Retrieval
Matthias RöcklCooperative Situation Awareness in Transportation
Guido de MeloModellbasierte Entwicklung von Interaktionsanwendungen
Christian WebelA Formal Approach to the Development of Network Quality-of-Service
David SchmitzAutomated Service-Oriented Impact Analysis and Recovery Alternative Selection
Sven SchwarzContext-Awareness and Context-Sensitive Interfaces for Knowledge Work Support
Jürgen GöresA Model Management Framework for Information Integration
Florian SchintkeManagement verteilter Daten in Grid- und Peer-to-Peer-Systemen
Marcel ShirvanianOptimierung von Datenbanksystemen zur Verwaltung von Fuzzy-Daten
Tobias GermerSelbstorganisierende Systeme für die Computergrafik
Stefan NeuhausEigenschaften kleinster dominierender Mengen und Dominanzzahlen von Damengraphen
Stefan WirtzSimultane Homogenisierung und Registrierung von Bildern histologischer Serienschnitte
Jochen SupperComputational inference of gene regulatory networks
Christian MathissenWeighted Automata and Weighted Logics over Tree-like Structures
Philipp JenkeA Statistical Reconstruction Framework for Surfaces with Features and for Animations
Ingmar FliegeComponent-based Development of Communication Systems
Thomas KuhnModel Driven Development of MacZ - A QoS Medium Access Control Layer for Ambient Intelligence Systems
Matthias GöhnerEin diensteorientiertes Abrechnungssystem für dynamische Virtuelle Organisationen
George-Sava BrancoviciArchitecture and Framework for Trustworthy Autonomous Systems
Faraz BhattiFPGA Hardware Design for 3D Depth Estimation Algorithms
Christoph SchwarzmeierParallel high-performance simulation of liquid-gas-solid flows with the free-surface lattice Boltzmann method
Sebastian SchwendemannTransfer Learning for Predictive Maintenance Solutions
Sarwar PapluPersonalized Human-Robot Interaction Based on Multimodal Perceptual Cues
Christoph RettingerFully Resolved Simulation of Particulate Flows with a Parallel Coupled Lattice Boltzmann and Discrete Element Method
Burkhard RingleinMapping of a Machine Learning Algorithm Representation to Distributed Disaggregated FPGAs
Andreas SchmidtPropagations-Netze im Kontext etablierter probabilistischer Modelle
Cornelia SchulzProbabilistic Multi-Distribution Mapping for Mobile Robots
Benjamin BischkeMachine Learning-Aided Disaster Response - Using Remotely Sensed Imagery and Social Multimedia
Andreas HeimrathAn approach to a machine learning-based operating strategy in automotive electrical energy management
Patrick HelberMachine Learning for Satellite Image Analysis – A Spatial Mapping of Urban Areas
Adrian Marc ZwienerTowards Robust Grasping with Contact Localization and Grasp Pose Detection
Moritz CohrsNew Methodologies for Automotive PLM by Integrating 3D CAD and Virtual Reality into Function-oriented Development
Daning WangManaged Evolution of Long-Living Cyber-Physical Systems
Tobias GuggemosEfficient Signature Verification and Key Revocation using Identity Based Cryptography
Atabak NezhadfardIntegration and Design of Actuation Redundancy in Robotic Leg CARL Based on the Physiology of Biarticular Muscles
Jason RambachLearning Priors for Augmented Reality Tracking and Scene Understanding
Stephan MennickeNon-Standard Semantics for Graph Query Languages
Patrick FleischmannMap-aided Off-road Path Following for Autonomous Vehicles
Jian WangRobust 2-D/3-D Registration for Real-Time Patient Motion Compensation
Christoph KniekeManaged Evolution of Automotive Software Product Line Architectures
Alexander DitterKonzeption, Umsetzung und Evaluation einer hybriden Cluster- und Cloud-Infrastruktur für Anwendungen aus dem Bereich des High-Performance- und High-…
Peter HegenIntegrated Hardware & Software Platform with Automated FIR Filter Coefficient Adaptation for Advanced Control of Modern Hand Prostheses
Grischan EngelWissensbasierte Synthese von Anlagentopologien cyber-physischer Produktionssysteme in der Verfahrenstechnik
David WiegmannEntwicklung und Evaluation eines Graspable User Interface für ein arbeitswissenschaftliches digitales Menschmodell
Kristina GruberModellbasiertes Requirements Engineering zur Unterstützung der domänenübergreifenden Gesamtfahrzeugentwicklung
Klaudius ScheufeleCoupling Schemes and Inexact Newton for Multi-Physics and Coupled Optimization Problems
Roland Michael MainkaMaschinelles Lernen zur Analyse und Simulation von Finanzzeitreihen
Emre ÖzekerEntwicklung eines proaktiven Assistenzsystems zur Unterstützung von CAD-Arbeitsprozessen basierend auf Softwareagenten
Markus DoblerBordersearch: Efficient Characterization of Automotive Electronic Systems Through Machine Learning
Thomas D. LepichModellierung und Untersuchung von Rahmenstrukturen für rekonfigurierbare multimodale Simulationsumgebungen
Bharath TatiQuantitative Model Repair of Stochastic Systems
Jun-Gyu KimOn experience-based learning for combinatorial optimization problems
Paul BodesheimDiscovering unknown visual objects with novelty detection techniques
Michael SteinLocal Algorithms for Distributed Topology Adaptation
Matthias MielkeNutzerorientierter Entwurf assistiver Technologie für hörgeschädigte Menschen
Nedim ŠrndićMachine Learning and Security of Non-Executable Files
Marc SchaafSituation-Aware Adaptive Event Stream Processing
Laura SteinertBeyond Similarity and Accuracy - A New Take on Automating Scientific Paper Recommendations
Dirk KuschnerusModellierung und Verifikation sicherheitskritischer konfigurierbarer Systeme in der Prozessmesstechnik
Carsten GrenzSelf-Organizing Access-Centric Storage Algorithms for Ad-Hoc Sensor Networks
Thomas BeerPlattform zur kollaborativen Simulation und Visualisierung von Szenarien des Integrative Computational Materials Engineering
Christoph WeberAnti-Aliasing and Visibility Preprocessing Algorithms for Mobile Graphics Devices
Jens Ulf WettachExploration Strategies for Indoor Environments
Jens HofmannAnalyzing the influence of product features and recommendations on buying decisions: A new realistic experimental web shop and analysis environment
Jan Micha BorrmannEfficient Heterogeneous Multicore Architectures for Driver Assistance and Automated Driving
Heike RolfsPartitionierung und Bewertung MARTE-spezifizierter Hardware/Software-Systeme
Artur QuiringRouting-driven Multiobjective 3D Floorplanning
Jie ZhaoAdvanced Walking Skills for Bipedal Locomotion
Christoph ReschEnhancing Projective Spatial Augmented Reality in Industry
Marouane SayihWeb Engineering mit XML Technologien
Andrea JaaxDer GapSet Algorithmus Ein parallelisierbarer Algorithmus zur Berechnung minimaler Schnitte
Lixing JiangObject Recognition and Saliency Detection for Indoor Robots using RGB-D Sensors
Bernd KrollaHeterogeneous Reconstruction Approaches for Object and Scene Representation
Tim BeylWorkflow-based Context-aware Control of Surgical Robots
Johannes DellModellgestützter Entwurf, Optimierung und Evaluierung Cloud-basierter Cyber-physischer Systeme
Kevin WiesnerDatenerfassung und Privatsphäre in partizipativen Sensornetzen
Aneta KabzevaMulti-Layer Modeling of Service Networks The DAME Approach to Generic Dependency Analysis and Management for Evolution
Adam GiemzaGeneric Approaches for Creating and Conducting Mobile Field Trip Scenarios
Tobias NöllEfficient Representation of Captured Geometry and Reflectance
Tobias UhligSelf-Replicating Individuals
Daniel GüntherEin Modell zur Auswahl von funktionalen Blöcken in flexiblen Netzwerkarchitekturen
Joachim FalkA Clustering-Based MPSoC Design Flow for Data Flow-Oriented Applications
Felix ReimannDesign Space Exploration for Automotive E/E Architectures
Marvin FreierIndikatoren-basierte Entwurfsraumexploration für Sensor-ASICs in automobilen Applikationen
Michael MartinekAdvanced Distance Metrics Defined on Complex Geometries
Naim AsajProcess-oriented Privacy Analysis and Concepts in the Automotive Domain
Gereon WeißDesign of Self-Adaptation in Distributed Embedded Systems
Kristin TuotProcess-Driven Document Analysis and Understanding
Florian Rudolf StraubKollaboratives Information Retrieval auf Basis raum-zeitlicher Small Worlds für verteiltes Social Networking
Christian GroßDecentralized Location-based Services
Philipp LuchscheiderStrategic Black-Box Testing of Automotive Safety Electronic Control Units
Syed Atif MehdiUsing the Human Daily Routine for Optimizing Search Processes using a Service Robot in Elderly Care Applications
Wolfgang EckhardtEfficient HPC Implementations for Large-Scale Molecular Simulation in Process Engineering
Björn SchindlerKonsistenzsicherung von Anforderungen und Architekturen
Stefan T. RuehlMixed-Tenancy Systems - A hybrid Approach between Single and Multi-Tenancy
Xiaoying WangAnalog Circuit Design Approaches
Matthias HagnerModel-Based Analyses of Non-Functional Software and System Properties
Markus GoldsteinAnomaly Detection in Large Datasets
Anna SchwanengelOrts-, zeit- und kostenbasiertes Ressourcenmanagement im Cloud Computing
Karl Engelbert WenzelQuadrocopters with Microcontroller-Based Autonomy
Christopher MutschlerLatency Minimization of Order-Preserving Distributed Event-Based Systems
Olaf WilkenAktivitätserkennung basierend auf Nutzung elektrischer Geräte im häuslichen Bereich
Alexander HeineckeBoosting Scientific Computing Applications through Leveraging Data Parallel Architectures
Lars RosenbaumInterpretable Machine Learning Models for Mining Chemical Databases
Andreas BraunSimulationsbasiertes Validieren von Spezifikationen und Verifizieren von Software für Kommunikationssysteme in Kraftfahrzeugnetzwerken
Andreas TheisslerDetecting anomalies in multivariate time series from automotive systems
Simon SchröderStochastic Methods for Fiber-Droplet Collisions in Flow Processes
Timo SchönwaldApplikationsspezifische Optimierung der Kommunikation in Mehrkern-Architekturen für eingebettete Systeme
Clemens SchefelsAnalyzing User Feedback of On-Line Communities
Dennis PaganoPORTNEUF - A Framework for Continuous User Involvement
Tim HusseinA Conceptual Model and a Software Framework for Developing Context-Aware Hybrid Recommender Systems
Matthias SteinbrecherDiscovery and Visualization of Interesting Patterns
Dominik SojerSynthesis of Online Diagnostic Techniques for Embedded Systems
Clemens WrzodekInference and integration of biochemical networks with multilayered omics data
Markus HolzerEntwurf datendurchsatzoptimierter Hardware-Architekturen morphologischer Bildverarbeitungsoperationen
Stefan StattelmannSource-Level Performance Estimation of Compiler-Optimized Embedded Software Considering Complex Program Transformations
Christopher SchulzA detailed process model for large scale data migration projects
Sandra EbertSemi-Supervised Learning for Image Classification
Jens KohlEffiziente Diagnose von verteilten Funktionen automobiler Steuergeräte
Sebastian BächleSeparating Key Concerns in Query Processing – Set orientation, Physical Data independence, and Parallelism
Marc HermannDer Interaktionsprozess bei Tangible Interaction Entwicklung und Analyse eines Interaktionsmodells - Richtlinien zur Verwendung beim Design.
Michael NagelThe QUARC Metamodel: A Communication-Based Generic Project Model
Stefan WeinbrennerSQLSpaces – A Platform for Flexible Language-Heterogeneous Multi-Agent Systems
Andreas ThielSicherheitskonzept für die medizinische Bildverarbeitung in unsicheren Grid-Umgebungen
Darko ObradovićComputational Social Network Analysis of Authority in the Blogosphere
Boris NeubertComputer Graphics and Nature
Vesna MilijićSprachspezifikation und formales Modell als semantisch äquivalente Repräsentationen komplexen Systemverhaltens
Christian LemkePhysische Datenbankoptimierung in hauptspeicherbasierten Column-Store-Systemen
Jan GötzMassively Parallel Direct Numerical Simulation of Particulate Flows
Kai StapelInformationsflusstheorie der Softwareentwicklung
Andreas JahnMolecular Flexibility Encodings for Virtual Screening and Machine Learning
Mathias FrischVisualization and Interaction Techniques for Node-Link Diagram Editing and Exploration
Daniel UlmerZeitlich präzises Steuergerätetestsystem auf der Basis einer nicht-echtzeitfähigen Plattform
Silvia KnittlWerkzeugunterstützung für interorganisationales IT-Service-Management – ein Referenzmodell für die Erstellung einer ioCMDB –
Gabriele WeilerConsistency Checking for Ontology-Based Workflows
Michael DullerManagement and Federation of Stream Processing Applications
Jochen Björn SüßmuthSurface Reconstruction from Static and Dynamic Point Data
Dominik DomisIntegrating Fault Tree Analysis and Component-Oriented Model-Based Design of Embedded Systems
Johann SchusterTowards faster numerical solution of Continuous Time Markov Chains stored by symbolic data structures
Adisa MusovicIntegrierte Performance- und Leistungsverbrauchsanalyse eingebetteter Systeme mittels SCPowerEQN
Erik RodnerLearning from Few Examples for Visual Recognition Problems
Houssam HaitofA Framework for Autonomic Service-based Resource Management Using a Semantic Approach
Christoph EdelerModellierung und Validierung der Krafterzeugung mit Stick-Slip-Antrieben für nanorobotische Anwendungen
Rainer ScholzOptimierung der Rechenleistung pro Fläche von Prozessorarchitekturen durch Rekonfiguration von Funktionseinheiten
Karsten SchmidtSelf-Tuning Storage and Indexing for Native XML DBMSs
Axel BerndtMusik für interaktive Medien: Arrangement- und Interpretationstechniken
Marcel KronfeldNiching Methods in Heuristic Optimization
Natalja KehlDigitale Schaltungen zur Sensorsignalverarbeitung mit integrierter Fehlererkennung und -korrektur
Alexander SteigerInteraktive Projektionsbasierte Erweiterte Realität in der Robotik
Stefan DonathWetting Models for a Parallel High-Performance Free Surface Lattice Boltzmann Method
Sebastian HalderPrediction of Brain-Computer Interface Performance: For P300 and Motor Imagery Brain-Computer Interfaces
Georg HinselmannData Mining on Chemical Graphs Using Kernel Algorithms
Daniel JasperSEM-based motion control for automated robotic nanohandling
Alexander GeraldyAdaptive Routingprotokolle für drahtlose, mobile Ad-hoc-Netzwerke
Bernd ReutherEin serviceorientierter Ansatz zur Abstraktion von Kommunikationsprotokollen im Internet
Matthias KrauseAutomatisierte Erstellung und Verfeinerung virtueller Prototypen für den Entwurf verteilter eingebetteter Systeme
Torben WichersAllgemeines Bottom-Up Parsing Modell
Björn SanderEntwurfsraumexploration eingebetteter Multi-Core-Systeme auf Architekturebene unter Berücksichtigung von Performanz, Energie und Zuverlässigkeit
Klaas Ole KürtzSecure Two-Round Message Exchange
Klaus IglbergerSoftware Design of a Massively Parallel Rigid Body Framework
Thomas TernitéVariability of Development Models
Andreas GrünerTesting Object Interactions
Dirk NiebuhrDependable Dynamic Adaptive Systems - Approach, Model, and Infrastructure
Daniel ZienerTechniques for Increasing Security and Reliability of IP Cores Embedded in FPGA and ASIC Designs
Manuel MöllerFusion of Spatial Information Models with Formal Ontologies in the Medical Domain
Alexander BöhmBuilding Scalable, Distributed Applications with Declarative Messaging
Silke-Maria LechnerEddySim: A Problem Solving Environment for Hardware-Related Eddy Current Simulations in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Dirk PflügerSpatially Adaptive Sparse Grids for High-Dimensional Problems
Walid MaalejIntention-Based Integration of Software Engineering Tools
Martin HoffmannSystem Management Algorithms for Distributed Vision Networks
Boris StummÄnderungsmanagement in großen Informationssystemen
Thomas SauerAutomated Enactment Tracking for Dynamic Workflows
Mark YampolskiyMaßnahmen zur Sicherung von E2E-QoS bei Verketteten Diensten
Alsayed AlgergawyManagement of XML Data by Means of Schema Matching
Mariana Kessler BortoluzziMapping across Medical Vocabularies
Dominic MüllerManagement datengetriebener Prozessstrukturen
Peter WeißgerberAutomatic Refactoring Detection in Version Archives
Patrick MaaßNeue rechnergestützte Methoden zum Scaffold-Hopping unter Verwendung von Kristallstrukturen kleiner Moleküle
Adrian UlgesVisual Concept Learning from User-tagged Web Video
Frank HannigScheduling Techniques for High-Throughput Loop Accelerators
Christian MathisStoring, Indexing, and Querying XML Documents in Native XML Database Management Systems
Karsten RinkLocally Adaptive Speed Functions for Level Set Methods in Image Segmentation
Thomas RöblitzCo-Reservation of Resources in the Grid
Babak MougouieIntegration of Similarity-Based and Deductive Reasoning for Knowledge Management
Gabriele BleserTowards Visual-Inertial SLAM for Mobile Augmented Reality
Karsten WinklerSemantic XML Tagging of Domain-Specific Text Archives: A Knowledge Discovery Approach