Datenbestand vom 24. März 2025
Verlag Dr. Hut GmbH Sternstr. 18 80538 München Tel: 0175 / 9263392 Mo - Fr, 9 - 12 Uhr
aktualisiert am 24. März 2025
Florian HornungPhotonic integrated circuits using III-V semiconductor quantum dots as non-classical light sources
Manuel MüllerThe fabrication of hollow nanochannel resonators via UV-imprinting and conformal gas phase deposition
Artur SkljarowIntegrated atom-photonic devices at telecom wavelengths
Sascha KolatschekEfficient single-photon emission from semiconductor quantum dots in photonic structures
Margarita BaluktsianWave front shaping with zone plates: Fabrication and characterization of lenses for soft x-ray applications from standard to singular optics
Nicolas ZuberSpatially resolved study of Rydberg-atom-ion interactions
Kevin KleinbeckPhoton correlations and collective phenomena with Rydberg superatoms
Mathias Michael KampPhasenkohärenter Transport und Higgs-Dynamik in Supraleiter-Quantenpunkt-Hybriden
Marius GroßmannUltrafast VECSELs in the red spectral range
Jan-Niklas SchmidtDensity Fluctuations in a Dipolar Quantum Gas - from Superfluids to Supersolids
Christian VeitAn ion microscope to probe quantum gases on the single-atom level
Malte JongmannsModellierung der Erzeugung und des Einflusses von Punktdefekten beim Flash-Sintern
Thomas DieterleA single, cold ion immersed in a Bose-Einstein condensate - Transport and inelastic collision dynamics
Torben LaskeRealisierung und Charakterisierung eines gepulsten superradianten Lasers auf einer schmalen Interkombinationslinie von Kalzium
Pia KrauseUpper Atmospheric Thermal Properties of Venus - Investigation of non-LTE CO2 Emission Lines using Ground-Based Mid-Infrared Heterodyne Spectroscopy
Felix EngelFrom Positive to Negative Ions, Studies Based on Rydberg Spectroscopy
Fabian BöttcherSupersolid Arrays of Dipolar Quantum Droplets
Marvin SchulzSilicon-organic hybrid nanophotonics for high-efficiency THz emission
Karolin MertensUltrafast electron redistribution in small iodine containing molecules
Bernard Christian EhlersGrowth and Characterization of Silicon on Glass and Reorganized Porous Silicon Substrates for Photovoltaic Applications
Markus Alexander JakobGeneration and Control of Ultrafast 10 um Laser Pulses for Driving Chemical Dynamics
Kai LeckronBeiträge zur Theorie der ultraschnellen Spindynamik in Modellsystemen mit Austauschkopplung
Jonas SieglProbing coherence properties of strongly interacting Bose gases
Michael HirthAkustische Untersuchungen mit dem Smartphone und Tablet-Computern - Fachliche und didaktische Aspekte
Daniel WellerThermal Rydberg Spectroscopy and Plasma
Fawad KarimiTowards Realtime Observation of Interatomic Coulombic Decay via XUV Pump - THz Probe Streaking
Lasse CornilsSTM investigations of superconductor hybrid systems: magnetic adatoms and chains on superconductors to thin superconducting films on topological ins…
Sebastian HeedtSpin Coherence and Quantum Transport in Semiconductor Nanowires
Beatrix ElsnerSurface Mechanical Properties from First Principles
Ralf RitterInterfacing thermal atoms with integrated photonic waveguides
Pit SippelIonische Flüssigkeiten für zukünftige Energiespeicher - eine umfassende dielektrische Charakterisierung
Jan MayerCharting NeuLAND: Towards multi-neutron reconstruction with the New Large Area Neutron Detector and The virtual γ-ray spectrometer G4Horus
Raphael Sebastian EichbergerUltrakalte Quantengase in höheren Bändern eines optischen Gitters mit präziser Bandstrukturkontrolle
Lukas WenthausLaser-Assisted Photoemission from Solids with Free Electron Lasers
Jonas FischerElectronic Ferroelectricity in Organic Charge-Transfer Salts
Simon Glynn PickstoneUpgrading the particle spectrometer SONIC and (p,p'γ) coincidence measurements on Mo-92, Mo-94, and Ni-60
Jonas WarmuthSynthesis and Atomic Scale Investigations of Fe-Chalcogenides from Bulk Crystals down to Single Layers
Susanne RothTheoretische Untersuchungen von Ein-Komponenten-Supraleitern und deren Beziehung zwischen der Sprungtemperatur und Ionisationsenergie, Kristallkenng…
Philipp ChristophFeedback-assisted Sympathetic Cooling in a Hybrid Atomic-mechanical System
Thomas FinkMean-Field and Quantum Interactions of Strongly Confined Exciton-Polaritons
Steffen PalutkeShot-to-shot wavelength characterization of high repetition free-electron laser pulses
Pascal FerstlEindimensionale Metalloxidketten - Wachstum, Struktur und Eigenschaften
Christian NeumannIsotopically-enriched 28Si heterostructures for qubit devices
Daniel HutzlerTime-Resolved Infrared Spectroscopy on Hydrogen Bonded Systems
Przemysław BieniasFew-body quantum physics with strongly interacting Rydberg polaritons
Julian PerchermeierUntersuchung eines Yb:YAG-Scheibenlasers im Hinblick auf eine Aberrationskorrektur mit einem deformierbaren Resonatorspiegel
Anika RämerExcitation and Relaxation Dynamics in Laser-Excited Semiconductors and Dielectrics
Matthias SchmittA Self-bound Dilute Quantum Liquid of Dysprosium Atoms
Tobias WeberDynamics at the Orbital Ordering Phase Transition in MgV2O4 and at the Ferromagnetic Phase Transition in MnSi
Björn KuttichDynamics of polymer-water mixtures in confinement
Tobias SchmittUntersuchung der Adsorption sowie der Selbstanordnung organischer Moleküle auf Cu(111)- und Kobaltoxid-Oberflächen
Christina StaarmannTowards a Hybrid Quantum System
Jan WagnerStrategien zur Reduzierung intrinsischer elektrischer Felder in nitridischen Lichtemittern
Laura FeilerNonlinear spin-wave excitation detected by the inverse spin-Hall effect
Lennart-Knud LiefeithSpin injection through metal-semiconductor contacts
Daniel R. StephanInter-sublevel dynamics in single InAs/GaAs quantum dots probed by strong terahertz excitation
Hendrik NiederbrachtProcess approaches for on-chip excitation and enhancing the optical collection efficiency of quantum dot based single-photon emitters
Arne EwerbeckAufbau und Charakterisierung eines Zwei-Spezies-Experiments zur Erzeugung ultrakalter Quantengase
Kangwei XiaSpectroscopy of Single Rare Earth Solid-State Qubits
Matthias PaulFabrication, Characterization, and Integration of In(Ga)As Semiconductor Quantum Dots for Telecommunication Wavelengths
Sven H. WaeselmannWaveguiding and Laser Action in Rare-Earth-Doped Sesquioxide and Sapphire Films
Astrid Elisa NiederleLocal Aspects of the Bose Glass – Phase transitions of the disordered Bose–Hubbard model
Isabel OttoHerstellung und Charakterisierung von LED µDisplays
Hannah DuckwitzSystematic Nuclear Structure Investigations of 84Sr and 86Sr under Application and Advancement of Gamma-Ray Spectroscopic Methods
Cornelius Sebastian BauschTubular coplanar waveguides for the use in radio-frequency microfluidic flow cytometers
Stefan GüntherUltrafast Probing of the Ferromagnetic Order Parameter
Jan-Martin RämerA Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy-based Vector Network Analyzer Setup with Integrated Pulse Shaping
Christian SwobodaMapping and control of magnetic excitations in artificial lattices
Jost HenkelPhenomena in Strong-Field Interaction with Atoms and Molecules
Christoph SchönhuberInelastic light scattering in the regime of the persistent spin helix
Jahn Markus RührigExcited Diatomic Chromium Molecules
Sebastian GerkeWechselwirkung von Morphologie und Wasserstoff in passivierendem amorphem Silizium
Christian KeßlerElectrically Driven Single-Photon Sources Based on InP/GaInP Quantum Dots: Characterization and Application in Quantum Communication
Lars NetterdonConstraining nuclear-physics input for explosive nucleosynthesis processes via in-beam γ-ray spectroscopy and the activation technique
David PeterQuantum states with topological properties via dipolar interactions
Jan-Henryk GrelikBoundary Effects and Magnetic Impurities in Heisenberg Chains
Bastian GallerLadungsträger-Rekombination und -Transport in InGaN-basierenden Leuchtdioden
Sven BurdorfPhotoexcitation and energy transfer processes in composite systems of dyes and microcrystalline silicon
Andreas LatzEin selbstlernendes Simulationsmodell für atomare Kinetik
Christopher RomigInvestigation of Nuclear Structure with Relative Self-Absorption Measurements
Kai H. MorgenerMicroscopy of 2D Fermi Gases: Exploring Excitations and Thermodynamics
Florian DoldeThe nitrogen vacancy center in internal and external fields
Falk-Ulrich SteinTime-resolved detection of the generation and annihilation of magnetic domain walls
Timo FischerDecoherence of the Orientation State
Tobias StangierAtmospheric Thermal Properties of Venus and Mars - Investigation of CO2 Absorption Lines using Ground-Based Mid-Infrared Heterodyne Spectroscopy
Andreas HennigStudy of Proton-Neutron Mixed-Symmetry Excitations in 96Ru by Means of Inelastic Proton Scattering and Digital Pulse Processing of Semiconductor Det…
Jakob AssländerStatic Field Inhomogeneities in Magnetic Resonance Encephalography: Effects and Mitigation
André WenzlawskiMatter-wave optics in microgravity: Laser technology and applications
Gesche NahrwoldSputter Deposition of Permalloy Nanostructures Optimized for Domain-Wall Depinning Experiments
Nils Christian GerkenXUV Multiphoton Excitation and Charged State Dynamics in Small Quantum Systems
Sebastian SchaileOrbitale Ordnung und Ladungsordnung in Manganaten
Mike HettichInvestigation of Multilayer Systems by Coherent Acoustic Phonon Spectroscopy
Jannes HeinzeFrom higher bands to higher spins: Ultracold fermions in novel regimes
Andreas KellerFeasibility of a down-scaled HEMP Thruster
Nils SchindzielorzModellierung von Ordnungsphänomenen binärer Legierungen auf quantenmechanischer Basis
Elisabeth KoroknayEpitaxial processes for low-density quantum dots in III/V semiconductors
Hannes DunckerUltrastable Laser Technologies and Atom-Light Interactions in Hollow Fibers
Karen PetersRamanspektroskopie und Magnetotransportuntersuchungen an Graphene auf Galliumarsenid-Substraten
Thomas BaluktsianRydberg interaction between thermal atoms: Van der Waals-type Rydberg-Rydberg interaction in a vapor cell experiment
Wolfgang KrätschmerNuclear Magnetic Resonance in Strongly Correlated Transition–Metal Oxides
Sarah Maria FalkePrimary Processes of the Light-to-Current Conversion in Organic Photovoltaic Materials
Tobias WinchenThe Principal Axes of the Directional Energy Distribution of Cosmic Rays Measured with the Pierre Auger Observatory
Tobias HartensteinContributions to the Theory of Spin-Correlations in Electron Gases With Spin-Orbit Coupling
Hauke H. LangnerHigh-Frequency Detection of Magnetic Vortices
André Markus GrabinskiFunctional Bethe Ansatz Methods for the Exact Solution of Integrable Super Spin Chains with Non-Diagonal Boundary Fields
Till BenterQuantized conductance and evidence for zitterbewegung in InAs spin-filter cascades
Christof J. HappAdaptive and Non-Adaptive Estimation of Discrete Quantum States
Martin StrzysUltracold heat – Dynamics of mesoscopic Bose–Hubbard systems with intrinsic time scale separation
Moritz BommerInP/(Al,Ga)InP Quantum Dots on GaAs- and Si-Substrates for Single-Photon Generation at Elevated Temperatures
Christopher BauerLevel lifetimes and quadrupole moments from projectile Coulomb excitation of A≈130 nuclei
Miriam FittererDesign Study of the Large Hadron Electron Collider and a Rapid Cycling Synchrotron as Alternative to the PS Booster Upgrade at CERN
Matthias HacksteinFeasibility Studies of Recoil-Distance Doppler-shift Experiments at Energies around 200 MeV/u and the Determination of Absolute Transition Strengths…
Anna GrünebohmAn ab initio study of multicomponent polar oxide based systems in combination with ferromagnetic metals
Stefan EgleMagnetische Punktkontakte unter Einfluss von Hochfrequenz-Strahlung
Matthias KlingbeilManipulation of the Emission from Natural and Stranski-Krastanow InGaAs Quantum Dots by Strain
Andreas ReinhardStrong Photon-Photon Interactions in Solid State Cavity QED
Steffen SteinertWidefield Magneto-Optical Imaging
Roger Antoine HälgAssessment of Therapeutic, Scatter, and Imaging Doses in Radiation Oncology and Implications for Cancer Risk
Carola DiezTransport- und optische Untersuchungen an gestapelten organischen Leuchtdioden
Liudmila DzemiantsovaMagnetic Coupling of Individual Atoms through Non-magnetic Spacer Layers
Purbasha HalderCollision Studies in Ultracold Ground State and Metastable Calcium Atoms - To BEC or not to BEC
Kerstin BiedermannBesetzte und unbesetzte elektronische Zustände vizinaler Si(111)-Oberflächen mit atomaren Goldketten
Stephan SchwaigerRolled-Up Metamaterials Containing Active Semiconductor Quantum Structures
Katja BehaEinzelne Farbzentren in Diamant: Grundlegende physikalische Eigenschaften, Nanophotonik und Quantenoptik
Romedi SelmNonlinear Optical Microscopy
Marit KleinOptics Calculations and Simulations of Longitudinal Beam Dynamics for the Low-α Mode at ANKA
Jeannette WulfhorstNonlocal spin currents in mesoscopic metallic spin valves
Martin BuschSingle-Voxel-1H-MR-Spektroskopie beliebig geformter Voxel mit 2D-ortsselektiven Hochfrequenzpulsen am menschlichen Gehirn
Mike GyamfiScanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopy of Adatoms on Graphene
Kathrina WeißSpin singlet and triplet states in a quantum dot molecule
Johannes JungeHigh efficiency process development for defect-rich silicon wafer materials
Daniela TaubertElectronic transport experiments on low-dimensional nanostructures at non-equilibrium conditions
Florian BürzleNumerical Studies in Star Formation using Smoothed Particle Magnetohydrodynamics
Kristian BaumannExperimental Realization of the Dicke Quantum Phase Transition
Manuel MittenzweyHigh Harmonic Generation for the XUV seeding experiment at FLASH
Paul GundelNeue mikroskopische Opto-Spektroskopie-Messtechniken für die Photovoltaik
Hanjo SchäferEntkopplung von elektronischer und struktureller Ordnung im stark korrelierten System K₃Mo₁₀O₃₀
Christian BernardsInvestigation and supersymmetric description of even-even mercury isotopes
Sven VerpoortEntwicklung neuartiger deformierbarer Spiegel für den Einsatz in Hochleistungslasern
Andreas WiensOptimized high energy resolution in γ-ray spectroscopy with AGATA triple cluster detectors
Endre KajariPerspectives on Relativistic Sagnac Interferometry
Günther KraußUltrabreitbandige Femtosekunden-Faserlaser
Lars BocklageCurrent-Induced Magnetization Dynamics of Ferromagnetic Nanostructures
Damian PyschAssembly and Analysis of Alternative Emitter Systems for Silicon Solar Cells
Michael AlbersEvolution of nuclear deformation in neutron-rich Kr isotopes
Sabine WölkFactorization with Gauss sums
Marcus EichfelderEpitaxie, Herstellung und Emissionseigenschaften von AlGaInP-basierten Oberflächenemittern: Mikroresonatoren und Scheibenlaser
Till SawalaSimulations of Dwarf Galaxy Formation
Wolfgang-Michael SchulzInP/AlGaInP Quantenpunkte - Design, Epitaxie und Charakterisierung von Halbleiter-Quantenpunkt-Bauelementen für Laser und Einzelphotonenquellen
Abdul Ahad AtaieQRPA-Rechnungen für Ladungsaustauschanregungen an exotischen Kernen
Pascal Del'HayeOptical Frequency Comb Generation in Monolithic Microresonators
Benjamin P. LöhdenHöchstempfindliche Absorptionsspektroskopie im Resonator Er³⁺-dotierter Faserlaser
Ortwin HellmigSteuerung und Effizienzerhöhung von Praseodym und Erbium dotierten Fluoridglas-Aufkonversionsfaserlasern
Dominik SuwitoIntrinsic and doped amorphous silicon carbide films for the surface passivation of silicon solar cells
Peter SiegleMarkovian Embedding of Superdiffusion within a Generalized Langevin Equation Approach
Stellan BohlensInterplay of Inhomogeneous Currents and Magnetization Textures
Janis EndresSystematic studies of the Pygmy Dipole Resonance with hadronic and electromagnetic probes
Sebastian Emanuel PfisterSuche nach Dunkler Materie mit dem CRESST-II-Experiment
Oliver PaulPlasmonic Metamaterials at Terahertz Frequencies
Birger BerghoffHerstellung und Charakterisierung von Silizium-Quantenstrukturen
Markus SchwarzNontrivial Spacetime Topology, Modified Dispersion Relations, and an SO(3)-Skyrme Model
Xaver VögeleIndirekte Exzitonen in elektrostatisch definierten Potentiallandschaften
Dirk-Sören LühmannMultiorbital Physics in Optical Lattices
Tobias Markus PletzerDie multikristalline Silizium-Solarzelle: Die Entwicklung zum selektiven Emitter
Sven WildfangPhotoluminescence on quantum dots with stress-tunable energy levels
Andreas DoblerAnfangswachstum bei thermischer Deposition und gepulster Laserdeposition auf Cu(001)- und Cu(110)-Oberflächen
Peter LendeckeHall micromagnetometry of ferromagnetic nanostructures
Martin SchirraAufbau einer Apparatur zur Messung von ortsaufgelöster Kathodolumineszenz und Messungen an Zinkoxid-basierten Nanostrukturen und Schichten
Alexander SellNichtlineare Spektroskopie mit einer hochintensiven Terahertz-Lichtquelle
Andreas KrohnSpinwelleninterferenz in ferromagnetischen Streifen und Rollen
Jan JacobAll-electrical InAs Spin Filters
Jesco ToppMagnetization Dynamics in Ferromagnetic Nanowires: From Single Structures to Magnonic Crystals
Bettina BergSelected Topics in Many-Body Physics
Martin K. FischerUntersuchungen der Ladungstrennung in wässrigen Elektrolyten mit Zwei- und Drei-Impuls Femtosekunden-Spektroskopie
Wolfgang MeyerStruktur und Stabilität epitaktischer Filme auf der Ir(100)-(1x1)-Oberfläche
Philipp T. ErnstBragg Spectroscopy in Optical Lattices and the Physics of Quantum Gas Mixtures
Patrick KonradCorrelations in Exotic Nuclear Matter
Tim KöppenOptische Spektroskopie an Halbleiter-Quantenpunkten mit wenigen Elektronen
Stefan KontermannCharacterization and Modeling of Contacting Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells
Jimmy SebastianDifferential ac Stark shift measurement in a hybrid magneto - optical dipole trap and loading chromium atoms in a magnetic guide
Christoph BeckerMulti component Bose-Einstein condensates From mean-field physics to strong correlations
Mirjam ClassenKräfte bei der Substrattranslokation ins 20S Proteasom und beim Abbilden mit dem Rasterkraftmikroskop
Lena EngelControl of the far field of classical and non-classical light sources
Stephanie BauerPhotonic Nanostructures for Efficient Coupling and Light Enhancement in Semiconductor Quantum Technologies
Cornelius NawrathInAs/GaAs quantum dots as sources of non-classical light in the telecom wavelength regime
Felix DusabiraneUltrafast Dynamics of Electrons and Magnons in Ferromagnetic Model Systems
Benedikt Florian SchulteUltrafast Transport in Tunable Graphene Heterostructures
Jonas Heinrich WeberPulsed resonance fluorescence and two-photon interference using remote quantum dots
Simon SeyfferleSemiconductor quantum dot based cavities supporting two-photon emission
Maximilian KummMessung, Analyse und Vorhersage von Verkehrsdynamik im Kontext des automatisierten Fahrens
Lucas SchneiderRealizing topological boundary modes in bottom-up constructed magnetic nanostructures on superconducting surfaces
Sven VeltenPhonon engineering in thin tin films for tuning photon-nuclei interaction
Valeriya TitovaTitanium-oxide-based electron-selective contacts to crystalline silicon: Characterization and application to solar cells
Felix HeimThe statistical γ-decay behavior and nuclear reaction rates of heavy nuclei relevant for explosive nucleosynthesis
Stefan HeppQuantum dot single-photon sources based on waveguide Bragg grating cavities for integrated quantum photonics
José Antonio Vargas RocoNon-equilibrium dynamics of ultracold quantum gases in higher bands of an optical lattice
Marc TheissA perturbation theory and comprehensive data from Monte Carlo simulations for dipolar fluids and electrolyte solutions
Tobias WagnerRealization of a Hybrid Quantum System Consisting of Ultra-cold Atoms and a Nanomechanical Oscillator
Julian SimmendingerMagnetische Röntgenmikroskopie zur Untersuchung des lokalen Stromtransports in Supraleitern
Svenja WillingOblique-incidence deposition of ferromagnetic thin films and their application in magnetoresistive sensors
Kai LampmannEntwicklung hochstabiler Lasertechnologie für Weltraumanwendungen
Sebastian Philipp ZangerleImplementation und Untersuchungen von Classroom Response Systemen im Rahmen vorlesungsbegleitender Übungen zur Experimentalphysik
Joachim KrauthNonlinear Spectroscopy of Complex Plasmonic Nanostructures
Alexander Maximilian StolzEinrichtung und Weiterentwicklung eines 14CO2-Systems am 6 MV TANDETRON Beschleuniger des CologneAMS
Dominik G. Schmid-LorchScanning Probe Magnetometry with Nitrogen Vacancy Centers in Diamond under Ambient Conditions
Michael KolanoDesign and characterization of a single-laser polarization-controlled optical sampling system
Nicolai LangOne-Dimensional Topological States of Synthetic Quantum Matter
Fabian OlbrichOptical and quantum-optical properties of telecommunication-wavelength semiconductor quantum dots on GaAs substrates
Alexander RuffPolare Eigenschaften multiferroischer Materialien
Matthias WenzelMacroscopic States of Dipolar Quantum Gases
Felix SchmidtSpin dynamics of single neutral impurities in a Bose-Einstein condensate
Mario SchwartzFully integrated GaAs-based quantum photonic circuits: resonant generation, splitting and detection of single-photon emission on-chip
Oliver ThomasAn optical Feshbach resonance using Rydberg molecules
Jan Frederik LippmannLaser Cooling of Semiconductors: Ultrafast Carrier and Lattice Dynamics
Johannes FriedleinA radio frequency-spin-polarized–scanning tunneling microscope for spin dynamics experiments
Jan Peter HermenauSpin-lifetimes of bottom-up construced nanomagnets
Julia Maria LitzingerNuclear structure studies of neutron-rich selenium isotopes
Nils GayerMagnetotransport und Thermoelektrik in zylindrischen GaAs-Halbleiterstrukturen
Boris Adrian Veith-WolfCrystalline silicon surface passivation using aluminum oxide: Fundamental understanding and application to solar cells
Robert BüchnerAufbau einer Apparatur zur Untersuchung ultrakalter Quantengase mit Spin-Freiheitsgrad in höheren Bändern eines optischen Gitters mit zweiatomiger B…
Matthias HockerTiefenaufgelöste Kathodolumineszenz-Spektroskopie-Untersuchungen an nitridischen Halbleiterstrukturen
Thomas WolfOn Magnetometry Using Ensembles of Defect Centers in Diamond
Stefan GrauerTransport Phenomena in Bi2Se3 and Related Compounds
Markus MüllerGeneration of Indistinguishable and Entangled Photons from Semiconductor Quantum Dots - Exploiting Resonant and Coherent Single and Two-Photon Excit…
Klaus M. HueckA Homogeneous, Two-Dimensional Fermi Gas
Denis AntonovInvestigations on diamond structures with embedded defect centres using numerical and ab initio simulation techniques
Jens S. KienitzOrientation of state selected OCS molecules in mixed strong dc and laser fields
Christoph TempelOn the Role of Quantiles in Quantum Mechanics
Sanah Ludmilla AltenburgSchemes for quantum metrology in presence of noise
Johanna FlockZeitaufgelöste Infrarot- und Ramanspektroskopie an Mikrostrukturen, Nanokristallen und Festkörpern
Josef GrenzUntersuchungen adsorbierter magnetischer Moleküle mittels Rasterkraftmikroskopie
Ivan BaevThe Electronic Structure of Small Mass Selected Clusters as Probed by Substrate Band Structure and Molecules
Christoph SchafferMorphological Degradation in Polymer-Fullerene Solar Cells
Jan KettlerTelecom-wavelength nonclassical light from single In(Ga)As quantum dots
Hannes M. GorniaczykSingle Photon Transistor mediated by electrically tunable Rydberg-Rydberg Interactions
Jan-Niklas TödtControl of spin-wave propagation
Nick FläschnerUltracold Fermions in Tunable Hexagonal Lattices: From High-Precision Spectroscopy to the Measurement of Berry Curvature
Stefan WeberAufbau eines Zeitstrecksystems zur Detektion hochfrequenter Signale
Yvonne SchieleAnalyse und Entwicklung von BBr3-Emitterstrukturen für dünne kristalline n-Si-PERT-Solarzellen
Matthias PuesMagnetic microscopy and spectroscopy of excitations in nanostructured ferromagnetic alloys
Michael SchlagmüllerA single Rydberg Atom interacting with a Dense and Ultracold Gas
Daniel-Timo MarzahlRare-Earth-Doped Strontium Hexaaluminate Lasers
David FehrenbacherPassiv phasenstarre Femtosekunden-Frequenzkämme basierend auf Er:Fasertechnologie
Katrin HochbergiMechanics: Smartphones als Experimentiermittel im Physikunterricht der Sekundarstufe II - Wirkung auf Lernerfolg, Motivation und Neugier in der Mec…
Johannes Helmut StraßnerEpitaktisches Wachstum und optoelektronische Eigenschaften von Ga(As)Sb-Quantenpunkten auf (Al)GaAs bei Variation der Barrieren
Anna NirschlAuger-Rekombination und Droop in InGaN-Quantentöpfen
Christian F. AdolffSelf-organized state formation in magnonic vortex crystals
Stephan MeyerThermische Stabilität organischer dünner Schichten und Feldeffekt-Transistoren
Adam BühlerQuantum Simulator for Spin-Orbital Magnetism
Wolfgang HeckelFunktionalisierung von Metalloxiden: Modellierung auf quantenmechanischer Basis
Jens Simon KlinderVom dynamischen Phasenübergang im offenen Dicke Modell zum Dicke-Hubbard Modell
Thomas MaierInteractions in a Quantum Gas of Dysprosium Atoms
Rainer EndrichSpontaneous Emission in the Quantum Regime of the Free-Electron Laser
Wolf WüsterCavity quantum electrodynamics with many-body states of a two-dimensional electron system
Silke Andree-Labsch3D Extension and Applications of the KOSMA-tau PDR Model
Jens EhlermannTransformational plasmon optics
Ole JürgensenExtended Hubbard Models for Ultracold Atoms in Optical Lattices
Andreas BickInterfacing Ultracold Atoms and a Cryogenic Micromechanical Oscillator
Alexander GliserinTowards attosecond 4D imaging of atomic-scale dynamics by single-electron diffraction
Ingo TischerDefektuntersuchungen an Halbleiter-Nanostrukturen
Sascha B. MaiselCharacterization and optimization of multicomponent alloys based on quantum mechanics
Thomas BauerNichtlineare dielektrische Spektroskopie zum Nachweis von Kooperativität und Heterogenität in glasbildenden Flüssigkeiten
Wolf WeimerProbing superfluid properties in strongly correlated Fermi gases with high spatial resolution
Julian MoosmannNonlinear approaches to the inverse problem of phase retrieval from single-measurement X-ray intensity data
Alexander Thorsten KruppD-state Rydberg electrons interacting with ultracold atoms
Andreas KölleCoherent Phenomena in Four-Wave Mixing via a Rydberg State in Thermal Vapor of Rubidium
Susanne WeidenfeldAlGaInP-basierte oberflächenemittierende Mikroresonatorlaser für mikrooptische Systeme
Vera DeryaExperimental studies of low-lying electric dipole excitations in light and medium-mass nuclei using complementary probes
Andreas SonntagMagnetoelectric Coupling and Thermally Driven Magnetization Dynamics Studied on the Atomic Scale
Bernhard HuberCoherent Rydberg dynamics and interaction above room temperature: The frozen gas regime and beyond
Petr SiyushevManipulation of single quantum systems at cryogenic temperatures
Kay-Michael GüntherCharacterization of femtosecond laser sulfur doped silicon
Thomas BeringerHerstellung und Untersuchung von Heterostrukturen aus Graphen und LaAlO3/SrTiO3
Boris WolterMagnetic Atom Manipulation and Spin-dependent Atomic Friction Investigated by Spin-polarized Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Monte Carlo Simulations
Matthias BeckNon-Equilibrium Phenomena in Conventional and High-Temperature Superconductors Probed by Time-Domain Terahertz-Spectroscopy
Philipp KarzelAnalysis and Reduction of Lifetime-limiting Defects in Multicrystalline Silicon
Stefan KnottMagnetotransport an zweidimensionalen Lochsystemen in InGaAs/InAs/InGaAs-Heterostrukturen
Nils H. BrinkmannAnalyse der elektrischen, optischen und strukturellen Eigenschaften von Emitter und TCO Schichten für kristalline Silizium-Heterosolarzellen
Jonathan B. BalewskiA single electron in a Bose-Einstein condensate
Sebastian HeinrichKristalline In₂O₃- und α-Al₂O₃-Schichten dotiert mit optisch aktiven Seltenerd-Ionen
Fabian ReichertPraseodymium- and Holmium-Doped Crystals for Lasers Emitting in the Visible Spectral Region
Peter LöptienCharge screening in topological insulators and low-dimensional superconductivity investigated by scanning tunneling microscopy
Matthias ÖlschlägerUltrakalte Quantengase in höheren Bloch-Bändern optischer Gitterpotentiale
Gunnar PetersenDecoherence mechanisms of laterally defined double quantum dot qubits coupled to the environment
Thomas SchwarzbäckEpitaxie AlGaInP-basierter Halbleiterscheibenlaser: Dauerstrichbetrieb, Frequenzverdopplung und Modenkopplung
Michael StarkKinetische Theorie für schwach wechselwirkende Elektronen im Nichtgleichgewicht
Klaus JönsOptical and quantum optical properties of site-controlled and strain-tuned quantum dots
Christian SchneiderMapping of surface plasmon polariton fields by time-resolved photoemission electron microscopy: experiments, simulations, and applications
Georg WirthOrbital Superfluidity in Excited Bands of an Optical Lattice
Thomas CalmanoFemtosekundenlaser-geschriebene kristalline Wellenleiterlaser im sichtbaren und nahen infraroten Spektralbereich
Jan GloriusExperimental studies of optical potentials for p-process nucleosynthesis
Daniel JunghansBackreaction of Localised Sources in String Compactifications
Sebastian ThunichQuantum Interference Control of Electrical Currents in Semiconductor Nanodevices
Andreas RottlerInvestigation of Radial Metamaterials
Martin P. MagieraMagnetic friction in driven Heisenberg-like systems
Jens KoppraschUntersuchung der ultraschnellen Elektronendynamik an Germanium- und Kupferoberflächen mittels zeitaufgelöster Photoelektronenspektroskopie
Stephan SuckowSimulation der Kristallisation amorpher Silizium-Quantenschichten mittels Femtosekunden-Laserpulsen
Hauke LehmannSpin-resolved conductance quantization in InAs nanodevices
Paul PreissTheory of the Quantum Free-Electron Laser
Marie-Theres HeineBestimmung der optischen Eigenschaften biologischen Gewebes unter Berücksichtigung der Gewebestruktur
Martin KraskaMesostrukturen an der Flüssigkeit/Gas Grenzfläche
Anne SauerweinExperimental studies of charged-particle induced reactions and their impact on the nucleosynthesis of p nuclei
Michael WiesnerInP-Quantenpunkte auf Si – Epitaxie und Charakterisierung nulldimensionaler III-V-Emitter auf Si(100)-basierten Substraten
Matthias WolkeLaserkühlung in optischen Resonatoren unter der Rückstoßgrenze
Rainer StöhrLight-matter interaction in graphene: A new playground for nonlinear optics, metrology and nanoscale device fabrication
Sebastian MansfeldSpin-Wave Optics: Refraction and Imaging
Sandra SobczykSTM transport theory for pi-conjugated molecules on thin insulating films
Jakob MeinekeFluctuations and Correlations in Ultracold Fermi Gases
Christina KimmleDynamische mikrofluidische Iris-Arrays
Holger UlbrichInterplay between charge, orbital, and magnetic ordering in manganites
Michael SchmitzStrukturauflösung von mikroskopischen Objekten mittels elastischer Lichtstreuung
Ata UlhaqPhoton Statistics and Dephasing of the Resonance Fluorescence from Single Quantum Dots
Jasper C. WerhahnTheoretical & Experimental Investigations of Hydrogen Bonded Systems from Cluster to Bulk
Andreas VogelMagnetization dynamics in coupled ferromagnetic micro- and nanostructures
Matthias M. N. WolfRiboflavin im elektronisch angeregten Zustand: Schwingungsanalyse anhand Isotopenmarkierung und ps-Relaxationsdynamik in Lösung
Parvis Soltan-PanahiMulti-Component Quantum Gases in Optical Lattices
Carsten TröppnerUltradünne Kobaltoxid- und Kupferoxid-Filme auf Metalloberflächen
Sven MackoMechanisms and Manipulation of Ion Beam Pattern Formation on Si(001)
Matthias MenzelNon-collinear magnetic ground states observed in iron nanostructures on iridium surfaces
Markus FalkenauContinuous Loading of an Optical Dipole Trap
Rico OttoDynamics of a Microsolvated Ion-Molecule Reaction
Jonas SchönModellierung von Prozessschritten zur Umlagerung rekombinationsaktiver Defekte in kristallinem Silizium
Heiner DaerrOptische Systeme und Konzeptionen für die Ultraspurenanalyse von Krypton-Isotopen
Patrick KöberleGround-state structures and dynamics of dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates in single and multi-layered traps
Anika VogelBose-Einstein condensates for space applications and novel teaching concepts
Michael BußhardtTiming and uncertainty in pointer-based quantum measurements
Michael ElversInvestigation of Octupole Vibrations in the Rare-Earth Region with Different Experimental Probes and Implementation of a Multithreaded Evaluation So…
Claudia RuppertUltraschnelle Optoelektronik an Halbleiter-Metall-Hybridstrukturen
Gregor KlattCharakterisierung neuartiger Terahertz-Emitter mittels schneller, präziser Terahertz-Spektroskopie
Raphael GebsAsynchrones optisches Abtasten mit hoher Messgeschwindigkeit, Auflösung und Empfindlichkeit
Jean-Marc RégisFast Timing with LaBr₃(Ce) Scintillators and the Mirror Symmetric Centroid Difference Method
Fabian WeyßerRheology of Brownian Discs
Eric HeinOptisch streuende Glasoberflächenrauigkeiten durch Selbstmaskierung beim reaktiven Trockenätzen
Marco SchreckUntersuchungen zur Lorentzsymmetriebrechung in der modifizierten Maxwell-Theorie
Arne ThomaApertureless Scanning Terahertz Near Field Microscopy
Raymond HoheiselCharakterisierung und Optimierung von hocheffizienten III-V Weltraumsolarzellen: Strahlungsresistenz, Spektrum- und Temperaturabhängigkeit
Syed Rizwan AliStudies on exchange bias, current induced magnetization switching and spin injection in magnetic nanostructures
Simon PhilippsAnalyse und Optimierung von III-V Solarzellen mittels numerischer Modellierung
Tjark Florian WindischMagnetic investigations on correlated electrons in a pseudo-spin-system and ferromagnetic / nanomechanical hybrid systems
Jens SchmalerThe CRESST Dark Matter Search – New Analysis Methods and Recent Results
Markus SchlappsMagnetotransport through nanoscale constrictions in ferromagnetic (Ga,Mn)As films
Nopporn SuttiwongDevelopment and characterization of the balloon borne instrument TELIS (TErahertz and submillimeter LImb Sounder): 1.8 THz receiver
Jonas MetzCollapse of dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates for different trap geometries
Peter KrötzObservations of Upper Mesosphere Temperatures on Venus and Evaluation of Mid-Infrared Detectors for the Tuneable Heterodyne Infrared Spectrometer (T…
Hendrik WeimerQuantum many-body physics with strongly interacting Rydberg atoms
Michael BuserVisualization in General Relativity: The Gödel Universe
Matthias ReischleQuantum optical and electronic properties of InP/(Al,Ga)InP quantum dots in view of their potential in quantum information devices
Andreas FellModelling and Simulation of Laser Chemical Processing (LCP) for the Manufacturing of Silicon Solar Cells
Ole AlbrechtStatic and dynamic properties of confined magnetic nanostructures
Linus GisslénInfluence of Frenkel Excitons and Charge Transfer States on the Spectroscopic Properties of Organic Molecular Crystals
Henning KühnYtterbium-dotierte einkristalline Sesquioxid-Wellenleiterlaser
Klaus SchmalbuchGenerierung kohärenter Spinensembles mit linear polarisiertem Licht
Nicolas MüsgensStrominduzierte Magnetisierungsdyanmik in nanostrukturierten magnetischen Schichtsystemen
Teresa NegriniTransverse A polarization from a transversely polarized proton target at the COMPASS experiment
Sarah Kajari-SchröderTwo-dimensional Hamiltonian ratchets
Julian KlinnerExperiments with Ultra-Cold Atomic Ensembles in Optical Resonators with Ultra-High Finesse and Narrow Linewidth
Albert SchließerCavity Optomechanics and Optical Frequency Comb Generation with Silica Whispering-Gallery-Mode Microresonators
Tina J. LeitnerNeutrino-nucleus interactions in a coupled-channel hadronic transport model
Nicola MingirulliFabrication and Characterization of Emitter-Wrap-Through Solar Cells
Andrew P. SazonovPeculiarities of Crystal and Magnetic Structures of Synthetic Co-Olivine, Co₂SiO₄
Stefan BenderPion induced coherent strangeness production on light and medium-heavy nuclei
Sebastian MüllerBestimmung von Photo-Neutron-Wirkungsquerschnitten in Kernen der Seltenen Erden für den astrophysikalischen p-Prozess mit Bremsstrahlung am S-DALINAC
Stefan KuckScanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopy of Magnetic Molecules on Surfaces
Thomas RothAnalysis of electrically active defects in silicon for solar cells
Ankita NegiEnergy Time Ptychography for Mössbauer Resonances
Franziska Marie EsmekDevelopment of a Microfluidic Lab-on-a-Chip System for DNA Extraction and Analysis
Tetyana ShalomayevaMeasuring solid-state properties with single-spin quantum sensor
Tobias IlgQuantum Fluctuations and Appearance of Supersolidity in Confined Ultracold Atomic Gases
Michael WeinertInvestigation of Microscopic Structures in the Low-Energy Electric Dipole Response of 120Sn using Consistent Experimental and Theoretical Observable…
Emerson OliveiraReflectance anisotropy spectroscopy (RAS) for surface roughness morphology identification during reactive ion etching (RIE) of monocrystalline III/V…
Sebastian WeberAccurate Quantum Simulations with Rydberg Atoms
Raphael MüllerCVD-basiertes ZnO-Schichtwachstum und optische Spektroskopie an Fe3+-Defekten in ZnO
Wolfgang Christoph GeorgesThe dynamical driven atom-cavity system: A realization beyond the open Dicke model
Thomas HerzogOptical properties of tunable fiber/semiconductor based single- and double cavities containing quantum dots
Jan KumlinCollective Effects of Light-Matter Interactions in Rydberg Superatoms
Korbinian GeirhosPolar and Magnetoelectric Properties of Lacunar Spinels
Zhihua HuangElectrically pumped AlGaInP-based semiconductor lasers in the red-spectral range: large-area surface-emitting laser and quantum dot edge-emitting laser
Julius Alexander WilhelmyExploring photon strength functions in the A=90 mass region: The case of 87Rb
Sergej KrylowTheoretical study of solid-state materials after ultrafast laser-excitations
Andreas LiehlRauscheigenschaften und Anwendungen passiv phasenstarrer Femtosekunden-Frequenzkämme
Petra HöglSpin-orbit coupling effects in tunnel junctions and graphene
Jakob GollwitzerMagnon-Photon Interactions: From X-ray Mapping of Standing Spin Waves to Fano Interference in Cavity Electromagnonics
Philipp SulzerUltrabroadband Electro-Optic Sampling: Time-Domain Quadratures and Noise Properties of Few-Femtosecond Gate Pulses
Sebastian EmmertTerahertzspektroskopie an plastischen Kristallen
Jonas HarmEntwicklung und Aufbau einer Tieftemperatur-Ultrahochvakuumanlage für spinaufgelöste Mehrfach-Spitzen-Rastertunnelmikroskopie mit hoher Zeitauflösung
Sebastian MüllerUntersuchung des Photo-Neutron-Wirkungsquerschnitt von 185Re und 187Re an der Reaktionsschwelle
Marc SartisonFabrication of efficient single-photon devices based on pre-selected quantum dots using deterministic optical lithography
Thomas SchmidRydberg Molecules for Ultracold Ion-Atom Scattering
Fabian RipkaA Single-Photon Source Based on Strongly Interacting Thermal Rydberg Atoms
Robert WitteckAnalysis of cell to module losses and UV radiation hardness for passivated emitter and rear cells and modules
Alexander LandowskiIntegration of Strong Fluorescent Nanodiamonds into Direct Laser Written Polymer Waveguides for Quantum Sensing
Stefan SoldUltrafast spin dynamics in ligand-stabilized complexes
Matthias LamprechtUntersuchung zeitabhängiger Einfangs- und Rekombinationsprozesse in nitridischen Halbleitern
Carolin BehnckeControl of crystal properties in coupled vortex systems
Andreas BrunnerCryogenic NV Scanning Probe Magnetometry
Mohammad RezaiQuantum Information Processing with Photons from a Single Molecule
Achim KüsterPhotoluminescence of nanostructures in droplet-etched nanoholes
Hoan VuRolled-up plasmonic metamaterials coupled to quantum-well emitters
Philipp ScholzExploring statistical properties of nuclei for explosive stellar nucleosynthesis
Roman BekGepulste Halbleiterscheibenlaser im roten Spektralbereich: Sättigbare Halbleiterabsorberspiegel, Frequenzverdopplung und absorberfreie Modenkopplung
Anja MichlCoupling between electronic, mechanical and vibrational properties of clean and adsorbate-covered metal surfaces - a first-principles study
Juliane LaurerSpininjektion in Silizium: Von der epitaktischen Si/MgO-Tunnelstruktur zur Erzeugung und Detektion einer Spinakkumulation
Markus RollingerInvestigation of magnetic and magneto-plasmonic effects via photoemission electron microscopy
Hannes Maximilian WinterAufbau eines Systems zur Beobachtung von Superradianz auf einer Interkombinationslinie von Kalzium
Claus FeuersteinImprovement of measurement capabilities at the Cologne Accelerator Mass Spectrometer
Ann-Kathrin KleinschmidtResonatorinterne Transversalmodenselektion bei Antimonid-Breitstreifenlasern
Anita GajUltralong-range Rydberg molecules in external electric and magnetic fields
Manuel SteinbrecherTuning Single Atom Magnetism and Non-Collinear Magnetic Interactions in Nanostructures by STM
Ulrich RengstlIII-V Semiconductor Photonic Integrated Circuits with Quantum Dots as Single-Photon Emitters
Sebastian PitikarisLocal Mechanical Properties of Granular Media
Svenja VollmarTheoretische Beschreibung von Spin- und Magnetisierungsdynamik in Systemen mit Spin-Bahn-Kopplung und Austauschwechselwirkung
Fabian HargartEnhanced light-matter interaction with semiconductor quantum dots in single and double cavity structures
Nadine WehmeierFabrication and analysis of co-diffused n-type silicon solar cells applying plasma-deposited diffusion sources
Dirk HeineckeA 10 GHz repetition rate laser system for applications in THz frequency metrology and ultrafast time-domain spectroscopy
Christoph ÖlschlägerFloquet Engineering of Bloch Bands in Shaken Optical Lattices
Thomas HäberleNanoscale Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Mark-Christoph SpiekerThe origin of low-lying collective E1 and E2 strength in atomic nuclei
Hermann KahleAlGaInP-based high-performance semiconductor disk lasers for the red spectral range: Gain-chip design, harmonic generation and a new laser concept
Alexander GroteUltracold 87Rb: from quantum metrology to two-photon ionization
Thomas GimpelPreparation and characterization of femtosecond laser sulfur doped silicon solar cells
Artur BohrPhänomenologisches Erklärungsmodell für Hochtemperatursupraleiter
Andreas GrafSimulation of GaAs/AlGaAs quantum dots and molecules
Alexander MolzVerbindung von Schülerlabor und Schulunterricht - Auswirkungen auf Motivation und Kognition im Fach Physik
Thorge KockUltrakalte Quantengase in einem optischen Gitterpotential mit zweiatomiger Basis
Max HänzeCollective oscillations of magnetic vortices
Carina HeiselMikrofluidisches Tropfen-Array aktuiert mit Elektrobenetzung
Holger KadauRosensweig Instability and Droplets in a Quantum Ferrofluid of Dysprosium Atoms
Aune KoitmäeHybrid Neural Networks on Semiconductor Microtube Arrays
Raoul HeeseOpen pointer-based simultaneous quantum measurements
Jens NeuTowards Adaptive Metamaterials for the Terahertz Range
Tobias TraubTheoretische und experimentelle Untersuchung des Einflusses von Pumprückreflexion auf einen Typ II phasenangepassten optisch parametrischen Oszillat…
Renate DaschnerAddressable Rubidium vapor cells for optical and electrical read-out of Rydberg excitations
Hans KeßlerResonator-kontrollierte Materiewellen-Superradianz
Maike TormählenYang-Mills Solutions on Manifolds with G-Structure
Clemens WuthStochastic and coherent dynamics of individual magnetic domains and domain walls
Janine FischerDensity of States and Charge Carrier Transport in Organic Donor-Acceptor Blend Layers
Daniel HänschkeDevelopment and Correlative Application of X-Ray Diffraction Laminography
Benjamin NeuschlOptische Spektroskopie an nitridischen Halbleiterstrukturen
Torben BeeckSmall, Size-Selected and Deposited Clusters on Magnetic and Non-Magnetic 3d Transition Metal Surfaces
Tobias StaudacherNuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy on a nanoscopic sample volume
Philip Werner MetzVisible lasers in rare earth-doped fluoride crystals
Marco StepperHochtemperatursupraleiter Dotierabhängigkeit der Sprungtemperatur
Jasper Simon KrauserCoherent Spin Dynamics in Fermionic Quantum Gases
Johannes RichterOptimierte Überwachung des Wachstums von Antimonid-Quantenpunkten und Quantenpunktumgebungen mit Hilfe von Reflektivitätsanisotropie-Spektroskopie
Michael SchmidtOptical Spectroscopy on Triangular Lattice Antiferromagnets
Malte WeinbergBand Structure Engineering of Ultracold Quantum Gases in Optical Lattices
Ingo PetersenPhotoelectron Momentum Distributions from Recollision-Free Strong-Field Ionization of Atoms and Molecules
Moritz PohlThe 152Sm(p,n) reaction and its astrophysical importance
Thomas KunzeImpulsabhängige, ultraschnelle Elektronendynamik an gestuften Oberflächen und topologischen Isolatoren untersucht mit winkelauflösender Flugzeitspek…
Philipp WesselsTime-resolved imaging of magnetic nanostructures in the visible and soft X-ray spectral range
Philipp DrechselMetallorganische Gasphasen-Epitaxie von Gruppe III-Nitrid-basierten LED Strukturen auf Silizium
Gernot StrackeWachstum und Charakterisierung von InGaAs Quantenpunkten auf GaP Substraten
Thorben BartschThermal and Electronic Transport through Nanosized GaAs Pillars
Juan Santiago López BermúdezCorrelation between Critical Magnetic Fields and Carrier Distance in High Temperature Superconductors
Jochen KerbstStatic and Transient Capacitance Investigations on GaAs and InAs Quantum Dots
Iris XhangoMagnetism and Transport at Grain Boundaries in Cuprates
Nils Felix KuhlmannLateral spin-valve devices operated by spin pumping
Maximilian KöpkeInfluence of a Microwave Resonator on a Nearby Quantum Dot
Peter FjodorowResonatorinterne Absorptionsspektroskopie mit Faserlasern in wasserfreien NIR-Spektralbereichen
Michael JaaxOptische und Terahertz Galois-Streuscheiben
Julia TislerNitrogen-vacancy center in diamond as sensor for Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer Scanning Near Field Optical Microscopy
Matthias Michael HeldmaierOptical and electronic properties of single laterally coupled (In,Ga)As/GaAs quantum dot molecules
Bernhard GrotzCoupling Single NV Centers to External Degrees of Freedom
Markus DomschkeEinfluss der Tensidschicht auf Struktur und Dynamik von Mikroemulsionströpfchen
Charles-Edouard BardynMajorana Modes and Topological States in Realistic Driven-Dissipative Quantum Systems
Julian StruckArtificial Gauge Fields in Driven Optical Lattices - From Frustrated XY Models to Ising Ferromagnetism
Sören Erik DörscherCreation of ytterbium quantum gases with a compact 2D-/3D-MOT setup
Michael SeidlitzNuclear shell effects in neutron-rich nuclei around N = 20 and N = 32,34
Tobias SchlenkSpin-Resolved and Inelastic Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy of Magnetic Atoms and Clusters
Felix BalhornThree-Dimensional Tubular Spin-Wave Resonator Systems
Torben MenkeMolecular Doping of Organic Semiconductors - A Conductivity and Seebeck Study
Ulrich SeyfarthCyclic Mutually Unbiased Bases and Quantum Public-Key Encryption
Florian SorgenfreiTime-Resolved Jitter-Free Experiments at FLASH: From Longitudinal Coherence Studies to Nonlinear Dynamics
David SonnenbergNanostructures Grown on Metal-Droplet Etched Holes
Hubert K. RoßmadlUltraschnelle Solvatationsdynamik untersucht mit Femtosekunden Absorptions- & Fluoreszenzspektroskopie
Uwe HeßInvestigations of RGS Silicon Solar Cells
Désirée RadeckNuclear Structure Studies in the A ~ 100 Mass Region including g-Factor Measurements using Nuclear Deorientation of Recoils into Vacuum
Gerd NeuberOptical Spectroscopy on NiMnIn, Ni2MnIn Heusler Alloys, and ZnyLa2-xSrxCu1-yO4
Stefan MüllerStability and Collapse Dynamics of Dipolar Bose-Einstein Condensates in One-Dimensional Optical Lattices
Christian RipperdaKristallisation von amorphen Silizium-Quantenstrukturen mit Femtosekunden-Laserpulsen
Christina BoganStabilized High Power Lasers and Spatial Mode Conversion
Annette Monika GengNumerical Simulations of Magnetic Fields in Interacting Galaxies
Andreas WendtIsospin symmetry in the sd shell: Coulomb excitation of 33Ar at relativistic energies and the new 'Lund-York-Cologne-Calorimeter'
Maximilian NothaftElektrolumineszenz einzelner Moleküle in organischen Leuchtdioden
Jan NekardaLaser Fired Contacts (LFC): Charakterisierung, Optimierung und Modellierung eines Verfahrens zur lokalen Rückseitenkontaktierung dielektrisch passiv…
Matthias SchmidtThermoelektrische Eigenschaften zweidimensionaler Elektronengase in dünnen Halbleitermembranen
Bernd Martin EbertControl of synchronization via electrical stimulation in a large-scale neuronal network model
Thomas KamionkaPolarisationsumkehr magnetischer Vortizes und Antivortizes
Kerstin GeibelSearch for Proton Emission in Ni-54 and Multi-Nucleon Transfer Reactions in the Actinide Region
Marcus WitzanyThe lasing transition and strong mode coupling in InP quantum dot based GaInP microdisk cavity structures
Tobias C. KerscherOf complex configurations and sizable systems: cluster expansions for multi-site, multi-system, and multi-scale challenges
Clemens WächterInGaN active regions on semipolar pyramidal GaN templates
Michael HirmerElektronische Raman-Streuung und die Spin-Bahn-Wechselwirkung in p-dotierten GaAs/AlGaAs Quantentrögen
Markus SchmotzPhononen: von Membranschwingungen zu ballistischem Wärmetransport
Markus BeyerPhoto-Doping Phenomena in the High-Temperature Superconductor La(2-x)Sr(x)CuO(4)
Mamoun HemmidaElectron Spin Resonance in Frustrated Two- and Three-Dimensional Chromium Magnets
Alexander Christian HerzogMagnetic excitations in spin-orbital models and frustrated spin chains
Daniel F. FörsterEuO and Eu on metal crystals and graphene: interface effects and epitaxial films
Jens Herwig BredeSpin-Polarized Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopy of Phthalocyanine Molecules on Surfaces
Fabian EichstädtDescription of Drell-Yan pair production in a phenomenological parton model
Daniel MolterNovel approaches in coherent terahertz measurement techniques
Matthias FritzscheUntersuchung der Pygmy Dipol Resonanz in 60Ni
Thomas Henning LöberGa(As)Sb-Quantenpunkte und -Quantenpunkt-Laser
Serkan AteșResonance Fluorescence and Stimulated Light Emission from Coupled Semiconductor Quantum Dot - Cavity Systems
Markus KohlerVakuum-Ultra-Violette-Lichtquelle und Konzeptionen für die Ultraspurenanalyse von seltenen Kryptonisotopen
Ferdinand WaltherStrukturierte Funktionalisierung von SU-8-Oberflächen für die Mikrofluidik
Teoman GünDauerstrich-Festkörperlaser im tief-ultravioletten Spektralbereich
Markus SchmidDisorder- and Field-Induced Inhomogeneities in Unconventional Superconductors
Gabriela HerzogHeat assisted spin-transfer torque manipulation on the nanoscale using a spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscope
Michael SekaniaPhase Transitions and Real-Time Dynamics of Spin and Charge Densities in One-Dimensional Correlated Systems
Ulrich KrohnUniversal scaling and coherence properties of an ultracold Rydberg gas
Matthias GuboEpitaktische Kobaltoxid-Filme auf Ir(100)
Tobias HankeNichtlineare Optik und ultraschnelle Dynamik plasmonischer Nanoantennen
Robert HafenbrakTuning the exciton fine structure of single (In,Ga)As/GaAs quantum dots to realize a triggered entangled photon source
Wolfram RotherLifetime Measurements in 62,64,66Fe
Alexei PoukhovoiAbscheidung von amorphen wasserstoffhaltigen Kohlenstoffschichten mittels neuartiger hybrider RF-Plasma-Quelle und deren spektroskopische Charakteri…
Holger HabenichtCharakterisierung leistungsmindernder Defekte und deren Umverteilung während der Herstellung von multikristallinen Silizium-Solarzellen
Jörg NederCoarse-grained simulations of membranes under tension and lipid-protein interactions
Linus BettermannStudien zu Form-Phasenübergängen in Atomkernen
Michael GruppScattering in inhomogeneous systems
Christian EickhoffZeitaufgelöste Zweiphotonen-Photoemission an der Si(001)-Oberfläche
Markus ZecherleKurzzeitspektroskopie an einzelnen selbstorganisierten Halbleiterquantenpunkten
Karsten SchnitterHiggsphysik in vereinheitlichten Theorien am Beispiel der SU(5)
Jörg SiebenmorgenHerstellung von Wellenleiterlasern mittels Femtosekunden-Laserstrukturierung in Nd- und Yb-dotierten YAG-Kristallen
Martin BeyeUltrafast Dynamics in Solids Studied with Soft X-rays
Christian StrelowPhotoluminescence Spectroscopy on Microtube Bottle Resonators formed by Rolled-Up Semiconductor Bilayers
Dirk HoffmannAntimonid-Breitstreifenlaser mit integrierter Fourier-optischer Transversalmodenselektion
Carsten Thomas WeißReversible Dynamics of Cold Quantum Gases and Irreversible Coupling to Carbon Nanotubes
Mohammad AwadInvestigation of Plasmonic Phenomena at Terahertz Frequencies: Components and Applications
Jakob Philipp BarzParticle dynamics simulation and diagnostics of the PECVD processes in fluorocarbon rf discharges
Stephan BinderFrom UV-irradiation to FLASH - Establishing methods for the investigation of properties and function of biological and bioinorganic samples
Markus WächterErzeugung und Übertragung breitbandiger THz-Signale in nanophotonischen und plasmonischen Wellenleiterstrukturen
Andreas KahnFabrication and Characterization of Monocrystalline Sesquioxide Waveguide Lasers
Dawid KupiduraSpinwechselwirkung eines Doppelquantenpunkts mit dem Kernfeld. Anpassschaltung für einen rf-Quantenpunktkontakt
Claus HermannstädterOptical properties of single charge-tunable and laterally coupled (In,Ga)As/GaAs quantum dots
Andreas VollandHerstellung und Charakterisierung epitaktischer Ni₂MnIn Heusler/Halbleiter-Hybridsysteme
Matthias HörteisFine-Line Printed Contacts on Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells
Jacek SwiebodzinskiSpin torque shot noise in the magnetization dynamics of mono-domain ferromagnetic nano-particles
Alexander S. HauptM-theory Calabi-Yau Quantum Mechanics
Stefan G. SingerElectronic Structure and Optical Spectroscopy of Strongly Correlated Manganites and Heusler Alloys
Martin WingerMesoscopic Cavity QED with a Single Quantum Dot
Ilka MahnsStatic and Dynamic Properties of Manganites and Cuprates
Boris BöckOptische und magnetooptische Untersuchungen an magnetischen Dünnfilmen während Pulslaserbestrahlung
Jochen HoffmannWellenleitergestützte Antimonid-Übergitter-Photodetektoren mit interner Verstärkung
Kevin RachorCyclotron Resonance of Carbon-Doped Two-Dimensional Hole Systems: from the Far-Infrared to the Microwave Regime
Patrick S. KirchmannUltrafast Electron Dynamics in Low-Dimensional Materials