Datenbestand vom 24. März 2025
Verlag Dr. Hut GmbH Sternstr. 18 80538 München Tel: 0175 / 9263392 Mo - Fr, 9 - 12 Uhr
aktualisiert am 24. März 2025
Isabel JacobStochastic multilevel methods for deep learning
Corinna H. ZurlohAdjoint-Based Optimization of a Free Boundary Problem - Relaxation, Asymptotics and Numerics
Stephan HelfrichApproximation and Scalarization in Multiobjective Optimization
Oliver BachtlerOn Algorithmic Certification of Graph Structures
Hinrich MahlerBilevel Optimal Transport Problems: Existence, Regularization and Convergence
Frederic MatterSparse Recovery Under Side Constraints Using Null Space Properties
Thomas MarxShape Optimization for Radiative Transfer Models - With Applications in High-Temperature Processes
Tobias Bernd DietzCombinatorial Optimization in Digital Communications
Anna WalterOptimal Control of Nonlinear Elastoplasticity Problems with Model Order Reduction
Anne-Therese RaulsGeneralized Derivatives for Solution Operators of Variational Inequalities of Obstacle Type
Martin ComisRobust Primary Care Systems
Moritz SchneiderSuper-convergent Implicit-Explicit Peer Methods
Luca Elias SchäferOn Universal and Multiobjective Model Extensions for Combinatorial Optimization Problems
Thomas UllmertHub Location: Finite Dominating Sets and Interdiction Problems
Roman FöllSparse Deep Gaussian Process Approximation and Application of Dynamic System Identification
Lisa KochRational Interpolation in the Loewner Framework, Optimal PMOR and Aspects of IRKA
Gregor CorbinNumerical methods for multi-scale cell migration models
Kerstin LuxOptimal inflow control in hyperbolic supply systems with uncertain demand
Jean-Marie LantauDie Regelung eines Segways - Ein MINT-Modellierungsprojekt an Schulen. Identifikation von Gelingensfaktoren einer Fortbildungsmaßnahme
Anna-Katharina ThösNaive Diversification with Fewer Assets - A Risk Reduction Approach Using Clustering Methods
Korinna RosinAdaptive Finite Element Methods for Contact Problems embedded in a Fictitious Domain - Simulation and Optimal Control
Matthias ReuberStochastic Models for Irradiations and Photovoltaic Yields
Holger StrootStrong Approximation of Stochastic Mechanical Systems with Holonomic Constraints
Sascha Bremicker-TrübelhornEin Mehrratenansatz auf der Grundlage generalisierter additiv partitionierter Runge-Kutta-Verfahren zur numerischen Simulation von Fluid-Struktur-We…
Naveen Kumar MahatoNumerical Methods for Macroscopic Pedestrian Flow Models
Florian BlöthnerNon-Uniform Semi-Discretization of Linear Stochastic Partial Differential Equations in R
Andrea PeterMathematical Optimization of Matching Problems with Precedence Constraints: An Application to Runway Scheduling
Christopher MüllerIterative Solvers for Stochastic Galerkin Discretizations of Stokes Flow with Random Data
Andreas SchmidtFeedback Control for Parametric Partial Differential Equations Using Reduced Basis Surrogate Models
Sebastian A. MayerPreasymptotic error bounds via metric entropy
Chathuri FernandoOptimal Control of Free Boundary Value Problems in Thermoelasticity
Marion PfirschingA multi-scale model for material flow problems based on a non-local conservation law: simulation and optimization
Patrick Leonardo CapraroFeynman path integrals in configuration space, momentum space and phase space for perturbative and polynomial potentials
Michael HopfAlgorithms and Complexity for Scheduling and Packing Problems
Claus TeuberOptimal Control Methods for Transmission Lines
Jens OettershagenConstruction of Optimal Cubature Algorithms with Applications to Econometrics and Uncertainty Quantification
Lisa KristlNichtparametrische Schätzung zeitvarianter Dichten und zeitvarianter Quantile in einem Simulationsmodell
Torge SchmidtApproximation of Spectra and Pseudospectra on a Hilbert Space
André ChasseinRobust Optimization: Complexity and Solution Methods
Stefanie GrimmAn Interest-Rate Model with Regime-Switching Mean-Reversion Level
Kevin BerkProbabilistic Forecasting of Electricity Load for Industrial Enterprises
Andreas GrossAn Intersection-Theoretic Approach to Correspondence Problems in Tropical Geometry
Corinna Juliana HeßlerScheduling-Location Algorithms with Applications in Evacuation Planning
Luc N. MuhirwaModel Order Reduction of Linear Time Delay Systems
Jochen KallADER Schemes for Systems of Conservation Laws on Networks
Simon ZimnyHemodynamic Flow Simulation in Patient Specific Cerebral Aneurysms
Jochen NeusserNumerical Approximation of Two-Phase Flows with and without Phase Transition
Andreas MändleAssessing the goodness of fit of multidimensional data – An Anderson-Darling approach to multivariate distributional tests
Stefanie Marita BottAdaptive SQP Method with Reduced Order Models for Optimal Control Problems with Constraints on the State Applied to the Navier-Stokes Equations
Christian BlickMultiscale Potential Methods in Geothermal Research: Decorrelation Reflected Post-Processing and Locally Based Inversion
Lukas TaegertOppenheimer-Snyder type collapse with Vlasov matter
Felix RiemannThe Pointwise Product in Infinite-dimensional Distribution Spaces and Applications
Sebastian KühnContinuous traffic flow models and their applications
Ann-Kathrin BottNichtparametrische Schätzung von (bedingten) Verteilungen ausgehend von Daten mit zusätzlichen Messfehlern
Katharina HeesGemeinsame Konvergenz von Summe und Maximum und das Grenzwertverhalten von gekoppelten Continuous Time Random Maxima
Daniela BratzkeOptimal Control of Deep Drawing Processes based on Reduced Order Models
Sarah Maria EberleForest Fire Determination: Theory and Numerical Aspects
Timo BertholdHeuristic algorithms in global MINLP solvers
Thea GöllnerGeometry Optimization of Branched Sheet Metal Structures with a Globalization Strategy by Adaptive Cubic Regularization
Martin HampelThree Mathematical Explorations in Connection with the Non-Life Sub-Module of Solvency II SCR-Formula, Tractable Customer Base Process, VaR Estimate
Kai HabermehlRobust optimization of active trusses via mixed-integer semidefinite programming
Matthias FrankenbachAn Adjoint Based A Posteriori Error Estimator for Moving Meshes in Large Eddy Simulations
Adrian SichauRobust Nonlinear Programming with Discretized PDE Constraints using Second-order Approximations
Dominic LauterbachSingular Mixture Copulas - A Geometric Method of Constructing Copulas
Sebastian UllmannPOD-Galerkin Modeling for Incompressible Flows with Stochastic Boundary Conditions
Tatjana LemkePoisson Series Approaches to Bayesian Monte Carlo Inference for Skewed α-Stable Distributions and Stochastic Processes
Ngoc Anh PhamImplementing Intersection Theory
Herry Pribawanto SuryawanA White Noise Approach to Self-intersection Local Times and Feynman Integrals for Quantum Particles in Random Media
Kathrin LeinerEarliest Departure and Cluster Flows: Enhancements of the Dynamic Network Flow Model
Anamika PandeyMeshfree Method for Fluctuating Hydrodynamics
Daniel MaierRealizations of Dynamical Systems with Discrete Spectrum
Thomas G. FlaigDiscretization strategies for optimal control problems with parabolic partial differential equations
Katja KulasCombinatorics of Tropical Polytopes
Maike LorenzOn a Viscoelastic Fibre Model - Asymptotics and Numerics
Patrick EngelNumerical Methods for Sharp-Interface Dynamics of Phase Boundaries
Veronika RosteckThe Stokes System with the Navier Boundary Condition in General Unbounded Domains
Debora CleverAdaptive Multilevel Methods for PDAE-Constrained Optimal Control Problems
Stephanie HellerMatroid Flows: Interdiction and Location Problems
Dario GötzThree topics in fluid dynamics: Viscoelastic, generalized Newtonian, and compressible fluids
Thanh Tan MaiStochastic partial differential equations corresponding to time-inhomogeneous evolution equations
Matthias WaldherrArithmetic and Asymptotic Properties of Mock Theta Functions and Mock Jacobi Forms
Juliane MaiFrom environmental contaminants to cellular response: A 3D approach to model the distribution and interaction of contaminants in living cells.
Roman HorskyBarrier Option Pricing and CPPI-Optimization
Fatih BayazitOn the Asymptotic Behavior of Periodic Evolution Families on Banach Spaces
Hendrik EweCombinatorial Exchanges in Freight Logistics
Jörg PhilippsPricing and Hedging of Unit-Linked Life Insurance Products
Jörn Thies FringsAn Adaptive Multilayer Model for Density-layered Shallow Water Flows
Björn HüppingRegularized Newton Methods for Linear Quadratic Optimal Control Problems With Applications in Model Predictive Controllers
Andreas FromkorthKonsistenz regressionsbasierter Monte-Carlo-Verfahren zur Optionsbewertung mit geschätzten Modellen
Kirsten AlbrechtUntersuchungen zur Kellystrategie für Wetten und Investitionen
Donatas ElvikisTwo-Agent Scheduling: Efficient Algorithms for Multiple Machine Problems
Gerd WachsmuthOptimal control of quasistatic plasticity
Edgar Omar Reséndiz FloresOptimal Control of Particles in Fluids
Raul BorscheModeling and Simulation of Sewer Networks and coupled Surface Flow
Britta GöbelMathematische Modellierung des menschlichen Energiestoffwechsels: Die zentrale Rolle des Gehirns
Doreen FischerSparse Regularization of a Joint Inversion of Gravitational Data and Normal Mode Anomalies
Katharina BeygangOn the Solution of Some Railway Freight Car Optimization Problems
Christian BrandenburgAdjoint-Based Adaptive Multilevel Shape Optimization based on Goal-Oriented Error Estimators for the Instationary Navier-Stokes Equations
Dávid Kunszenti-KovácsErgodic Theorems and the Jacobs-deLeeuw-Glicksberg Decomposition
Florian ConradConstruction and analysis of Langevin dynamics in continuous particle systems
Christian GerhardsSpherical Multiscale Methods in Terms of Locally Supported Wavelets: Theory and Application to Geomagnetic Modeling
Andreas BollermannNumerical Methods for the Shallow Water Equations
Sebastian StockEvolution of Geometries with Torsion
Bettina PethAdaptive Two-Step Peer Methods for Incompressible Flow Problems
Markus StammbergerOn an Unsymmetric Eigenvalue Problem Governing Free Vibrations of Fluid-Solid Structures
Wolfgang HessGeometry Optimization with PDE Constraints and Applications to the Design of Branched Sheet Metal Products
Milton Januario Rueda VaronA Nonparametric Test based on Runs for a Single Sample Location Problem
Công Trình LêOn Deformation and Normalization of Families of Singularities
Enea PariniAsymptotic behaviour of higher eigenfunctions of the p-Laplacian as p goes to 1
Lennard KamenskiAnisotropic Mesh Adaptation Based on Hessian Recovery and A Posteriori Error Estimates
Kerstin DoesAn Evolution Equation Involving the Normalized p-Laplacian
Marianne MoormannBegriffliches Wissen als Grundlage mathematischer Kompetenzentwicklung - Eine empirische Studie zu konzeptuellen und prozeduralen Aspekten des Wisse…
Mihaela Veronica PilcaGeneralized Gradients of G-Structures and Kählerian Twistor Spinors
Nicole SchadewaldtLipschitz solutions for a one-dimensional fast diffusion equation
Robert HableData-Based Decisions under Complex Uncertainty
Maximillian GläserOn the Proof Complexity of Linear Programming Based Branch-and-Bound
Boby GunarsoWell-Posedness of Hyperbolic Systems of Balance Laws of Temple Type on Networks
Zhomart TurarovSimulation and optimization of interacting particle systems with application in pedestrian dynamics
Diana ManvelyanStructure-Preserving Physics-Based Model Order Reduction Schemes for Dynamic Contact
Nicolas DietrichAsymptotic Analysis and Optimization Problems in Approximate Radiative Heat Transfer
Alexander MateiOptimum Experimental Design with PDE Constraints for Identification of Model Uncertainty in Load-bearing Systems
Philipp SteinbachModeling, Simulation and Quantification of Drilling-Related Geometric Uncertainty for Borehole Heat Exchanger Arrays
Jennifer WeißenTraffic and Material Flow Models: Modeling, Simulation and Optimization
Paloma Schäfer AguilarNumerical approximation of optimal control problems for hyperbolic conservation laws
Jan FriedrichTraffic flow models with nonlocal velocity
Aslam AliComputations in Galois Cohomology
Huy Minh LêRobust Single Machine Scheduling-Location Problems
Matthias AndresImproving thermal ablation of liver tumors
Louisa SchlachterStochastic Galerkin Methods in Hyperbolic Equations
Manuel StreicherUncertainty in Discrete Optimization: Connectivity and Covering
Hayk HambardzumyanDynamic Hybrid Pension Products with Innovative Embedded Guarantee Structures and Optimal Portfolio Strategies
Lisa KuschRobustness Measures and Optimization Strategies for Multi-Objective Robust Design
David FrenzelWeighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory Schemes in Optimal Control Problems Governed by Nonlinear Hyperbolic Conservation Laws
Johanna Katharina BiehlAdaptive Multilevel Optimization of Fluid–Structure Interaction Problems
Nicolai RehbeinInexact Iterative Projection Methods for Linear and Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problems
Dorothee WestphalModel Uncertainty and Expert Opinions in Continuous-Time Financial Markets
Marco Vincenzo NataleOn Packing and Partitioning Problems with Applications to DRAM Allocation
Max NimmerSpectral Imaging Based on 2D Diffraction Patterns and Robust Principal Component Analysis
Kathinka HameisterA dual tailored branch-and-bound algorithm for quadratic mixed-integer problems Applied to production models with buffers
Isti RodiahAn Agent Based Modeling of Disease Transmission in the Framework of Configuration Spaces
Andrea MaierPlanar Multi-Facility Location Problems with Polyhedral Gauges
Laura MüllerInvestigation of moment models for population balance equations and radiative transfer equations
Max KontakNovel algorithms of greedy-type for probability density estimation as well as linear and nonlinear inverse problems
Philipp KnechtgesSimulation of Viscoelastic Free-Surface Flows
Markus KöppelFlow in Heterogeneous Porous Media: Fractures and Uncertainty Quantification
Johannes PerschOptimization Methods for Manifold-Valued Image Processing
Zhen SunAdaptive Moving Finite Element Method for Steady Low-Mach-Number Compressible Combustion Problems
Benedikt BauerStatistische Aspekte der Schätzung von Ersatzmodellen und des Deep Learnings in hohen Dimensionen
Alaa ArmitiModeling and Analysis of Almost Unidirectional Flows in Porous Media
Matthias HansmannNichtparametrische Schätzung von (bedingten) Quantilen und bedingten Verteilungen ausgehend von Daten mit zusätzlichen Messfehlern
Reinhard TentNichtparametrische Schätzung von Quantilen unter Verwendung von Importance-Sampling und Ersatzmodellen
Jan Henrik FitschenVariational Models in Image Processing with Applications in the Materials Sciences
Alexander RathGlobal Error Estimation for Stiff Differential Equations
Florian SokoliTopological Tensor Products and Quantum Entanglement
Stefan MetzgerDiffuse interface models for complex flow scenarios: Modeling, analysis, and simulation
Philipp HeßlerSink Location and Evacuation Planning
Elisabeth LeoffStochastic Filtering in Regime-Switching Models: Econometric Properties, Discretization and Convergence
Bob GrünNetwork Aggregation and Flows with Applications to Evacuation Planning
Jens LeoffHierarchical Scheduling and Cutting Stock with Bounded Open Orders
Steffen OmlandMixed Precision Multilevel Monte Carlo Algorithms for Reconfigurable Computing Systems
Anna Lena BirkmeyerThe Realizability of Tropical Hypersurfaces in Matroid Fans
Robert VoßhallSticky Reflected Diffusion Processes -in view of Stochastic Interface Models and on General Domains-
Stephan OberfranzA randomized variant of the Gröbner Walk
Florian SchneiderMoment models in radiation transport equations
Imke JoormannAnalyzing Infeasible Flow Networks
Elisabeth BaumaEntwicklung numerischer Lösungsstrategien zur Steuerung von Werkzeugmaschinen für die Mikrofertigung
Anne PhilippMixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming with Application to Wireless Communication Systems
Susanne PapeBinary Steiner Trees: Structural Results, Algorithms and an Application in Phylogeny
Natalia SchmidtGröbner Bases in Coding Theory
Mario HefterEmbeddings and Algorithms for Infinite-dimensional Integration
Roger TelschowAn Orthogonal Matching Pursuit for the Regularization of Spherical Inverse Problems
Giles-Arnaud Nzouankeu NanaNews-Optimized Risk Management
Konrad WaldherrNumerical Linear and Multilinear Algebra in Quantum Control and Quantum Tensor Networks
Matthias KlugIntegral Formulas and Discrepancy Estimates Using the Fundamental Solution to the Beltrami Operator on Regular Surfaces
Andreas GärtnerRecurrence, Transience, and Poisson Boundaries in Operator Algebras
Joachim KrenciszekProper Orthogonal Decomposition for Contact and Free Boundary Problems
Carolin TorchianiEnumerative geometry of rational and elliptic tropical curves in R m
Michael PlegerZerlegungszahlen von Hecke-Algebren komplexer Spiegelungsgruppen exzeptionellen Typs
Karen KuhnStability and applications of higher-order multirate Rosenbrock and Peer methods
Thomas WerthRouting Games
Andreas TillmannComputational Aspects of Compressed Sensing
Walter ReußwigEin darstellungstheoretischer Zugang zu Verschränkungseigenschaften endlich korrelierter Zustände
Ilja KrökerStochastic models for nonlinear convection-dominated flows
Florian SeippOn Adjacency, Cardinality, and Partial Dominance in Discrete Multiple Objective Optimization
Antonio MorsiSolving MINLPs on Loosely-Coupled Networks with Applications in Water and Gas Network Optimization
Sebastian RauOptimal Control of interacting Quantum Particle Systems
Andreas K. JanoschekAlgorithmic uniform rates of convergence for interacting particle filter
Sonja MarsMixed-Integer Semidefinite Programming with an Application to Truss Topology Design
Frederike KisslingAnalysis and Numerics for Nonclassical Wave Fronts in Porous Media
Johannes MaringerStochastic and Deterministic Models for Fiber Lay-down
Lara Ruth TurnerUniversal Combinatorial Optimization: Matroid Bases and Shortest Paths
Neele LeithäuserAlgorithms and Complexity of Timetable Synchronization and Vehicle Scheduling Problems in an Integrated Approach
Alexandra MerzComputation of Generalized Gramians for Model Reduction of Bilinear Control Systems and Time-Delay Systems
Bettina SchiecheUnsteady Adaptive Stochastic Collocation Methods on Sparse Grids
Kemal YıldıztekinModifikationen kleinen Ranges von nichtlinearen symmetrischen Eigenwertaufgaben
Lena RehMeasuring Multivariate Dependence - an Analytical Approach with Copulas
Tobias RammingÜber Familien sphärisch symmetrischer stationärer Lösungen des Vlasov-Poisson-Systems
Maximilian HeyneA Model for Stable Price Allocation of Resources via Weighted Cooperative Games
Raphael SchulzSpatial Asymptotic Profile in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
Stephan MartinApplied Kinetic PDEs: Collective behavior models and Hamiltonian energy dynamics
Kay SchwiegerA Coupling Method for Quantum Markov Processes
Elisa RöhrigQuantum Energy-Transport Models for Semiconductors
Henning HomfeldConsolidating Car Routes in Rail Freight Service by Discrete Optimization
Christoph HeinrichA Finite Volume Method on NURBS Geometries and its Application in Fluid Flow and Isogeometric Fluid-Structure Interaction
Christiane Regina ZeckEfficient Algorithms for Online Delay Management and Railway Optimization
Thomas EndOptimal Control of Nonlocal Radiative Heat Transfer
Florian AugustinGeneralized Wiener expansions for the numerical solution of random ordinary differential equations
Jan KelkelA Multiscale Approach to Cell Migration in Tissue Networks
Michael BurgerOptimal Control of Dynamical Systems: Calculating Input Data for Multibody System Simulation
Andreas ZeiserDirekte Diskretisierung der Schrödingergleichung auf dünnen Gittern
Sabine RepkeAdjoint-Based Optimization Approaches for Stationary Free Surface Flows
Arne OgrowskyRandom Differential Equations with Random Delay
Oliver KolbSimulation and Optimization of Gas and Water Supply Networks
Oliver TseSPn-systems in Radiative Heat Transfer and Natural Convection-Radiation Models: Parameter Identification and Optimal Control
Hans-Christian KreuslerZur anisotropen Sobolev-Regularität der elektronischen Schrödinger-Gleichung
Roland SchäferAdaptive Multiresolution Discontinuous Galerkin Schemes for Conservation Laws
Athanasios StylianouComparison and sign preserving properties of bilaplace boundary value problems in domains with corners
Jenny KremserLocal Discontinuous Galerkin Schemes for Local and Non-Local Model Problems in Phase Transition Theory
Anna VogelA new Wick formula for products of White Noise distributions and application to Feynman path integrands
Ivan CherlenyakNumerische Lösungen inverser Probleme bei elliptischen Differentialgleichungen
Andreas RademacherAdaptive Finite Element Methods for Nonlinear Hyperbolic Problems of Second Order
Oliver SchulteEuler Summation Oriented Spline Interpolation
Waqas Ahmed MalikData Cleaning of Large Datasets: New Methods and Techniques
Evelin DumbachNonparametric Estimation of Probabilities of Default under Monotonicity Constraints
Marcel T. KalschScheduling-Location (ScheLoc) Models, Theory and Algorithms
Kerstin WolfMultiscale Modeling of Classical Boundary Value Problems in Physical Geodesy by Locally Supported Wavelets
Susanne MotamenyFormal Concept Analysis for the Analysis of Gene Expression Data
Thomas FehlingerMultiscale Formulations for the Disturbing Potential and the Deflections of the Vertical in Locally Reflected Physical Geodesy
Sleman SalibaOnline Optimization of Large-Scale Vehicle Dispatching Problems
Sven HerrmannSplits and Tight Spans of Convex Polytopes
Thomas SchillingerConservation Laws with Uncertainty on Networks: Traffic Flow and Supply Systems
Jonas HolleyStress-Constrained Topology Optimization with Application to the Design of Electrical Machines
Matthias MiltenbergerLinear Programming in MILP Solving - A Computational Perspective
Tim BergnerFastest Paths, Almost Disjoint Paths, and Beyond
Johannes EhlertThe Random Loop Model on Trees
Andreas SchmittMixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming for Resilient Water Network Design
Arne HerzelApproximation Methods for Multiobjective and Parametric Optimization Problems
Kristina GoschinOptimal Design of an Energy Network Involving Renewable Energies for a Settlement
Eva M. SchmidtRobust Multicovers: Algorithms and Complexity
Nicolas FröhlichFacility Location Planning and Network Interdiction
David SeusLDD Schemes for Two-Phase Flow Systems
Pascal HalffmannAdvances in Multiobjective Optimisation: Scalarisation, Approximation, and Complexity
Sebastian S. JohannOn Simultaneous Domination and Mixed Connectivity in Graphs
Sebastian KerstingQuantifizierung von Unsicherheit mit tiefen neuronalen Netzen
Veronika StraubEffiziente Zeitintegration vom gebietsbasierten implizit-expliziten Typ auf Basis exponentieller Integratoren zur Simulation kompressibler instation…
Oliver HabeckMixed-Integer Optimization with Ordinary Differential Equations for Gas Networks
Sophie LangerEin Beitrag zur statistischen Theorie des Deep Learnings
Lucas Schöbel-KröhnAnalysis and Numerical Approximation of Nonlinear Evolution Equations on Network Structures
Friederike Johanna LausStatistical Analysis and Optimal Transport for Euclidean and Manifold-Valued Data
Irene HeinrichOn Graph Decomposition: Hajós' Conjecture, the Clustering Coefficient and Dominating Sets
Yashika JayathungaMulti-patch Dengue Models
Thomas KuglerGalerkin methods for simulation of wave propagation on a network of pipes
Jens KünemundNumerische Lösung partieller Differentialgleichungen auf veränderlichen Oberflächen mit kernbasierten Verfahren
Johann Michael SchmittOptimal Control of Initial-Boundary Value Problems for Hyperbolic Balance Laws with Switching Controls and State Constraints
Philip KolvenbachRobust optimization of PDE-constrained problems using second-order models and nonsmooth approaches
Markus HuberMassively parallel and fault-tolerant multigrid solvers on peta-scale systems
Anika KinscherffRobust Optimization and Evacuation Planning with Bridges
Alexander WeberMethoden zur Effizienzsteigerung abstraktionsbasierter Reglerentwurfsverfahren
Hannah FrohneFinite Elemente Methoden höherer Ordnung für reibungsbehaftete, elasto-plastische Mehrkörperkontaktprobleme - Fehlerkontrolle, adaptive Methoden und…
Stephan KnappStochastic Extensions of Production and Pedestrian Models: Microscopic and Macroscopic Approaches
Yolanda Rocío Rodríguez CruzModel Order Reduction for Stochastic Systems
Andreas WierzAlgorithms and Complexity Results for Packing and Covering Problems and Robust Dynamic Network Flows under Primal-Dual Aspects
Immanuel MartiniReduced Basis Approximation for Heterogeneous Domain Decomposition Problems
Sharwan Kumar TiwariAlgorithms in Noncommutative Algebras: Gröbner Bases and Hilbert Series
Mikhail KrayzlerAnalytical Pricing of Variable Annuities
Michael FischerAnalysis and numerical approximation of shape optimization problems governed by the Navier-Stokes and the Boussinesq equations
Günter HinrichsZur klassischen Elektrodynamik als Theorie direkter Teilchenwechselwirkung
Christine HaynComputing maximal entry and exit capacities of transportation networks - Complexity analysis and a discrete relaxation applied to gas transmission s…
Florian David SchwahnProduct Pricing with Additive Influences - Algorithms and Complexity Results for Pricing in Social Networks
Tobias FischerBranch-and-Cut for Complementarity and Cardinality Constrained Linear Programs
Christopher KeimCollocation Methods for the Navier-Stokes Equations
Claudia TotzeckAsymptotic Analysis of Optimal Control Problems and Global Optimization
Fatimah Al-TaieComplexity of Spatially Interconnected Systems
Anne MeurerInteracting Particle Models with their Limit Equations
Rebecca Rambk-t-sub-Nyquist sampled Parallel Echo Planar Imaging in MRI
Christoph ZeilerLiquid Vapor Phase Transitions: Modeling, Riemann Solvers and Computation
Jan A. KrümpelmannSize bounds and classification results for integral polyhedra with at most one interior integral point
Ines Maria RaschendorferKantenfärbungen mit Gleichmäßigkeitsbedingungen - Polynomiell lösbare Spezialfälle
Nicolas DöhringRegularity of Random Fields in Scales of Besov Spaces and Generalized Sobolev Spaces
Sebastian PfaffOptimal Control of Hyperbolic Conservation Laws on Bounded Domains with Switching Controls
Carsten SchäferOptimization approaches for actuator and sensor placement and its application to model predictive control of dynamical systems
Martin AltmayerQuadrature of discontinuous SDE functionals using Malliavin integration by parts
Peter SchillenModelling and Control of Balance Laws with Applications to Networks
Marco BenderRandomized Approximation and Online Algorithms for Assignment Problems
Karsten FritzschA Geometric Approach to Mapping Properties of Layer Potential Operators: The Cases of the Half-Space and of Two Touching Domains
Thomas Martin CibisHomogenisierungsstrategien für Filament-Strömungs-Wechselwirkungen
Andreas RothNumerical Schemes for Kinetic Equations with Applications to Fibre Lay-Down and Interacting Particles
Michael DudzinskiWell-Balanced Bicharacteristic-Based Finite Volume Schemes for Multilayer Shallow Water Systems
Waed DadaA semigroup Approach to Numerical Ranges of Operators on Banach Spaces.
Jane GhiglieriOptimal flow control based on POD and MPC and an application to the cancellation of Tollmien-Schlichting waves
Ulrich ThielOn restricted rational Cherednik algebras
Timo WächtlerNumerical Simulation of Turbulent Dispersions in Liquid-Liquid Extraction Columns
Sandra MöhringerDecorrelation of Gravimetric Data
Hien Minh HuynhPartner Orbits and Action Differences on Compact Factors of the Hyperbolic Plane
Patrik StilgenbauerThe Stochastic Analysis of Fiber Lay-Down Models: An Interplay between Pure and Applied Mathematics involving Langevin Processes on Manifolds, Ergod…
Sabine BüttnerOnline Disruption and Delay Management
Andreas WagnerStructural Electricity Price Models and Volatile Renewable Infeed
Wolfram RetterTopics in Abstract Order Geometry
Katrin HerrCore Sets and Symmetric Convex Optimization
Thomas KleefischPfadüberdeckungsprobleme
Hong Duc NguyenClassification of singularities in positive characteristic
Marika KarbsteinLine Planning and Connectivity
André UschmajewZur Theorie der Niedrigrangapproximation in Tensorprodukten von Hilberträumen
Martin SauerExistence and Uniqueness Results for Randomly Forced Generalized Newtonian Fluids
Marco SchreiberTopological Wiener-Wintner Theorems for Amenable Semigroups
Christian LeithäuserControllability of Shape-Dependent Operators and Constrained Shape Optimization for Polymer Distributors
Annette KrengelA Modified Particle Filter with Adaptive Stepsize for Continuous-Time Models with Measurement Time Uncertainties
Walter ArneViskose Jets in rotatorischen Spinnprozessen
Matthias W. AltenhöferCombinatorial Structures in Steel Production Optimization and Social Network Modeling
Markus ThiemannCross-linking of Robustness, Parameter Computation, and Optimization in Evacuation Modeling
Silke HornTropical Oriented Matroids and Cubical Complexes
Henning MarxenAspects of the Application of Multilevel Monte Carlo Methods in the Heston Model and in a Lévy Process Framework
Rolf RothMultilevel Optimization of Turbulent Flows by Discrete Adjoint Techniques
Benjamin HillerOnline Optimization: Probabilistic Analysis and Algorithm Engineering
Uditha Prabhath LiyanageParameter Identification Based on Occupation Times with Application to Fleece Production
Evgeniy ZharovskyFast Numerical Algorithms for Advection-Diffusion Equations and Applications in Particle Dynamics
Stefan SteidelParallel modular computation in commutative algebra
Tilman SayerValuation of American-style derivatives within the stochastic volatility model of Heston
Martin HövelAutomorphe Formen mit Singularitäten auf dem hyperbolischen Raum
Nicole TschauderStochastische Modelle und Aspekte im System-on-Chip-Design
Manuel Villegas CaballeroRandom Delay Differential Equations: Application to Biofilm Modeling
Cornelius SchwarzIntegrated Routing & Scheduling
Matthias ErvenOn the Lifetime of a Conditioned Brownian Motion
Paul Felix RiechwaldVery Weak Solutions to the Navier-Stokes Equations in General Unbounded Domains
Björn GeißlerTowards Globally Optimal Solutions for MINLPs by Discretization Techniques with Applications in Gas Network Optimization
Jörg FrohneFEM-Simulation der Umformtechnik metallischer Oberflächen im Mikrokosmos
Jan MarburgerOptimal Control Based on Meshfree Approximations
Pia DomschkeAdjoint-Based Control of Model and Discretization Errors for Gas Transport in Networked Pipelines
Yang ZouTransformation of Chaos Decomposition under Change of Measures
Isabel OstermannModeling Heat Transport in Deep Geothermal Systems by Radial Basis Functions
Eric HofmannAutomorphic Products on Unitary Groups
Jan GiesselmannModelling and Analysis for Curvature Driven Partial Differential Equations
Heike HagemeierAutomorphe Produkte singulären Gewichts
Bernd KlössDifference Semigroups for Vibrating Networks
Anne SchwahnCut Trees: Bases and Games
Clemens ThielenApproximation and Complexity in Algorithmic Mechanism Design
Annika KohlhaasMultiscale Methods on Regular Surfaces and Their Application to Physical Geodesy
Heike SperberComplexity of Equilibria in Games on Networks
Nataliya KraynyukovaExistence for mathematical models of ferroelectric material behavior
Jens MehnertUsing Unlabeled Data For Text Classification
Dominique KüpperRunge-Kutta Methods for Stochastic Differential-Algebraic Equations
Katharina GerhardtFacets of Routing and Distributed Network Design
Sarah DrewesMixed Integer Second Order Cone Programming
Ivo SiekmannMathematical modelling of pathogen-prey-predator interactions